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#2 Best High Schools in US


BASIS Tucson
3825 EAST 2ND ST
TUCSON, AZ 85716
Phone: (520) 326-3444
District: BASIS Schools Inc.

BASIS Tucson uses an accelerated curriculum that includes Advanced Placement courses in subjects ranging from calculus to music theory. Students at BASIS can graduate after three years, or stay an additional year to complete capstone courses and an optional senior project. During their capstone, students can study subjects such as quantum mechanics or category theory. Extracurricular opportunities for BASIS students include roller derby, cycling, fencing, and robo-rocketry, to name a few.


Rankings / Awards
This details how this school compares to others based on U.S. News ranking criteria.
Medal Awarded Gold
National Rank
State Rank
Charter Rank


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#2 Best High Schools in US #2 Best High Schools in US Reviewed by Abank Juki on 12/27/2013 07:45:00 AM Rating: 5

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