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5 Mobil Mewah Termahal Yang Pernah Dijual di Indonesia

Punya khalayak otomotif yang kuat, lima mobil mewah termahal ini pernah dijual di Indonesia!

Timnas Indonesia U-16 menjuarai Piala AFF U-16 - Asisten Shin Tae-yong, Nova Arianto mengapresiasi keberhasilan Timnas Indonesia U-16 menjuarai Piala AFF U-16 2022.

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Diupload: 13 Apr 2023, Museum Otomotif Peterson memiliki prototipe Cybertruck pertama yang dipamerkan dalam pameran, selengakapnya di

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Dilansir dari laman Soompi, BTS kembali menempati peringkat pertama sebagai penyanyi K-Pop terpopuler


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07 Juli 2022

Perolehan Medali SEA Games 31st Hanoi Vietnam

Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2021 (bahasa Vietnam: Đại hội Thể thao Đông Nam Á 2021), lebih dikenal sebagai 31st SEA Games, dijadwalkan untuk diselenggarakan di Hanoi, Vietnam pada 21 November hingga 2 Desember 2021 tapi ditunda karena kasus Covid-19 di Vietnam sehingga di jadwalkan tanggal 12-23 Mei 2022 dan akan menyelenggarakan 40 cabang lomba, di mana banyak cabang lomba Olimpiade sebagai fokus lomba.

Ini adalah kali kedua bagi Vietnam untuk menjadi tuan rumah Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara sejak tahun 2003. Pada tahun 2021, SEA Games 2021 ditunda. SEA Games dimulai tanggal 12 Mei 2022 dan berakhir tanggal 23 Mei 2022.

Myanmar (Burma)9183562
Brunei Darussalam1113

SEA Games 2021 menelurkan tuan rumah Vietnam sebagai juara umum. Menariknya, Vietnam jadi juara umum dengan memecahkan rekor medali emas terbanyak sejak ajang tersebut digelar pada 1977 silam.

Sebagai tuan rumah, Vietnam tampil luar biasa. Vietnam pun mendapatkan 446 medali dengan rincian 205 medali emas, 125 perak, dan 116 perunggu. (baca selengkapnya di sini)

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial


05 Juni 2022

Connect, integrate, and automate. It's easy with IFTTT

Connect, integrate, and automate. It's easy with IFTTT.

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT is short for If This Then That, and is the best way to integrate apps, devices, and services. We help devices, services, and apps work together in new and powerful ways.

IFTTT was founded on the belief that every thing works better together. Tech incompatibility has become challenging for anyone trying to build a smart home or create automatic routines in their life. IFTTT makes it easy.

Get started

What can IFTTT do?

To put it simply, IFTTT can do anything!

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial


28 April 2022




















Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial


07 Maret 2014

Aya Lancaster, pengarang novel ”Chronicles of The Fallen: Rebellion”


Novelis muda dan berprestasi, demikian kesan pertama bertemu dengan Aya Lancaster, 24, pengarang novel ”Chronicles of The Fallen: Rebellion.” Novel itu sudah tersebar di 28 negara, tapi malah terasing di negerinya sendiri.

Gadis berambut panjang ini bisa berkarya tulis dalam bentuk novel setebal 665 halaman berbahasa Inggris. Novel Aya lebih dihargai di mancanegara daripada di Tanah Air. Karyanya sempat ditolak beberapa penerbit lokal, tapi hikmahnya justru dilirik penerbit internasional. ”Saat itu sulit mencari penerbit yang mau menerbitkan naskah saya. Saya pernah menawarkan novel pertama saya ini ke beberapa penerbit besar di Indonesia. Saya sempat dipingpong ke sana kemari selama dua minggu di sebuah penerbitan besar.

Mereka bilang waktu itu, novel saya belum jadi tren di Indonesia,” kata Aya. Penolakan itu tidak mematahkan semangat Aya untuk menerbitkan novel tersebut. ”Saya disarankan oleh teman untuk menawarkan novel ini ke penerbit luar dan memang penerbit luar malah menerima dan mau menerbitkan novel saya,” kata mahasiswi Jurusan IT International di Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB) Bandung ini.

Meski kurang diminati penerbit Indonesia, novel terbitan perusahaan asal Inggris, Author Haouse, disambut hangat pembaca di banyak negara di dunia. Hingga akhirnya novel karya Aya ini mendapat perhatian cukup luas di kalangan pembaca dan peminat dunia perbukuan di Indonesia, menjadi diskusi panjang di beberapa jejaring sosial, juga portalportal di internet. ”Di Indonesia belum ada yang menjual. Sejauh ini yang ingin membeli biasanya viaeBay atau Amazon.

Saat saya mengikuti Festival Ubud Writers and Readers (UWRF), beberapa eksemplar dikirimkan ke Bali,” ujar Aya. Karya wanita asal Jakarta ini berisi tentang tema besar yaitu kekuasaan Tuhan yang tak bisa dipatahkan. Aya menjelaskan, novel tersebut berisi cerita fantasi layaknya kisah supranatural, thriller, dan suspense.

Sejak diluncurkan pada Oktober 2011, novel yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris- Amerika ini sudah banyak dibaca banyak orang di Inggris, Belanda, Prancis, Italia, Amerika Serikat, termasuk Australia. Sementara di kawasan Asia hanya bisa didapatkan di Singapura, Korea, China, dan Jepang. Novel yang telah dibuat resensinya oleh Readers Digest ini akan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, namun Aya masih mengalami kendala bahasa untuk menerjemahkannya.

”Agak sulit mencari beberapa padanan kata untuk beberapa kata slankAmerika. Memang ada bagian-bagian dimana saya memakai bahasa Inggris umum, tapi banyak bagian lain terutama dialog sarkasme yang akan meleset pengertiannya kalau diterjemahkan dan malah terasa aneh,” ungkap Aya.

Berhubung tema novelnya agak rumit, dialog-dialog ini yang akan menyegarkan pembaca setelah dihadapkan dengan perpaduan cerita yang kompleks antara konspirasi, kesetiaan, cinta dan keyakinan dengan sentuhan aksi dan semidetektif ini. Dia menerima banyak masukan dari orangorang terdekat untuk menolak diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia.

”Lagipula saya menulis sejak awal sudah dengan Bahasa Inggris, jadi agak mikir juga ketika diminta diterjemahkan,” ucap Aya. Kini, dia sedang menggarap lanjutan dari buku pertamanya ”Buku kedua ini berjudul Chronicles of The Fallen: Rebirth, ” katanya. = AYA+LANCASTER

Chronicles of the Fallen : Rebellion - DIPUJI di negeri orang, tapi tak dilirik di negeri sendiri


DIPUJI di negeri orang, tapi tak dilirik di negeri sendiri. Itulah perjalanan novel "Chronicles of the Fallen : Rebellion" karya Tasya Agustina Thalib (23) yang memiliki nama pena Aya Lancaster. Novel berbahasa Inggris dengan tebal 448 halaman itu dicetak di Amerika Serikat oleh perusahaan penerbitan yang berpusat di Inggris. Novel Rebellion ini telah beredar di sejumlah negara Eropa, Asia, Afrika dan Amerika Serikat.

"Saya pernah menawarkan novel pertama saya ini ke beberapa penerbit besar di Indonesia. Saya sempat diping-pong ke sana kemari selama dua minggu di sebuah penerbitan besar. Mereka bilang, novel saya ini belum tren di Indonesia. Ide dan ceritanya belum biasa dan khawatir memunculkan kontroversi karena tokoh utamanya iblis perempuan dan malaikat. Padahal ini novel fiksi dan jalan ceritanya tidak seperti yang mereka bayangkan," katanya kepada wartawan, Sabtu (21/1/12) siang dalam acara Meet and Greet di aBhi Cuisine Jln. Belakang Pasar No. 110, Kota Bandung.

Mahasiswi Jurusan Teknologi Informasi di Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB) Bandung itu, nyaris patah arang karena tak ada satupun penerbit di Indonesia yang mau melirik novel perdananya. Apalagi, Aya membutuhkan hampir 10 tahun untuk menyusun novel fiksi bergenre fantasi dan supernatural itu. Namun, titik terang itu muncul tatkala Aya mengunjungi saudaranya di Batam. Di sana, Aya melihat adanya tawaran penerbitan untuk penulis pemula dari sebuah perusahaan penerbitan di Inggris.

"Saya cukup kirim e-mail (pos-el). Lalu atas dorongan dan dukungan teman-teman, saya coba kirim email penawaran termasuk tulisan mentah saya. waktu itu, belum saya bikin resensi bukunya. Ternyata e-mail saya langsung di-reply. Dan saya terus e-mail-e-mailan dengan orang dari penerbitan itu hingga akhirnya dicetak dan didistribusikan. Mereka sangat antusias dengan novel ini karena novel dengan genre inilah yang mulai tumbuh di Eropa dan Amerika," ucap bungsu dari tiga bersaudara itu.

Sejak diluncurkan pada Oktober 2011 silam, sudah cukup banyak orang yang membeli novel Rebellion tersebut. Hampir seluruh pembelinya berasal dari luar Indonesia seperti Inggris, Prancis, Amerika Serikat, Jepang, dan Singapura. Di beberapa negara malah sudah sold out. Kebanyakan pembelian via online yaitu,,, dan toko buku tertua di Inggris "Barnes and Noble". Novel ini juga telah diresensikan Reader's Digest.

Secara singkat, novel yang ditulis sejak Aya duduk di bangku SMP itu, mengangkat sisi lain pertarungan antara malaikat dan iblis, serta menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan Yang Maha Kuasa. Di dalamnya juga ada intrik-intrik asmara, persahabatan, dan penghianatan. Rencananya, novel itu akan diluncurkan juga di dua daerah di Indonesia yaitu Jakarta dan Bali.

"Untuk sementara memang tetap pakai bahasa American-English. Memang ada orang Prancis yang ingin menerbitkan novel ini dalam bahasa Indonesia dan meminta saya untuk menerjemahkannya. Tapi sampai saat ini, saya belum sempat. Soalnya agak sulit mencari beberapa padanan kata untuk beberapa kata slank Amerika. Dan kemungkinan akan menjadi sangat tebal jika dicetak dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia. Namun, suatu saat pasti ada versi Bahasa Indonesia-nya. Doakan saja yah," ucap cewek berambut panjang itu.

Google Search: Chronicles of The Fallen: Rebellion


07 Februari 2014

Blogger SEO PACK - Tips and Triks to Improve Blog Traffic


The Blogger SEO PACK 2012 contains some of the most important techniques that are what needed to set any blogger blog viral on all major search engines by smoothening the path for robots to index and crawl your blogs more efficiently. 
I will be listing all important seo tips (a total of 13 tips) in this post that will cover posts, post titles, internal and external linking, use of nofollow link attributes, anchor tags and a lot more. Lets apply them one by one:

1. Generate Sitemaps and Optimize Links 
2. Blogger Post Content Optimization
3. Post Title Optimization
4. Image Optimization
5. Meta Description and Keyword
6. Internal Linking
7. Nofollow Do's and Don'ts
8. Directory Submission
9. How To Improve PageRank?
10. SiteLinks with Min. Pagerank 2.0
11. Organize Labels
12. Reduce Page Load Time
13. Boost and Increase Blog Traffic


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27 Desember 2013

Mark Zuckerberg - Founder and CEO of Facebook - Facts and All About


Mark Zuckerberg, the man of the hour and Time person of the year, 2010, is the founder and CEO of Facebook. His creation is on road to become one of the most valuable tech companies of the world as Facebook debuts at the Nasdaq stock exchange on 18th May, 2012. At $38 per share, the Facebook has a market capitalization of $104 billion, making it not only one of the biggest in Silicon Valley, but one of the biggest in the world. Mark's 443 million shares are worth $16.9 billion at $38 a share.

In the filed listing it was revealed that Facebook's revenue was an astounding $3.7 billion while it generated $1 billion in profit.   Mark himself earned a handsome base salary of $500, 000 amounting to an annual $1.7 million pay package.   Owning  28 % share of Facebook, he will be worth 28 billion USD once the company becomes public and will be standing at front in the queue of richest persons on the planet.

Born on May 14, 1984 to Edward Zuckerberg and Karen Zuckerberg, Mark was a child prodigy, programming and creating games at the age, when one is usually playing them. He repeatedly asserted his extraordinary potential as a computer programmer through different inventions. In his early teens he created a music player named Synapse as a school project using some help from a friend, which used artificial intelligence to understand one’s taste in music and created a playlist accordingly.

Software bigwigs like Microsoft and AOL tried to buy it and even recruit Mark. But he refused both. Instead he went to Harvard in 2002. On Feb 4, 2004, with the help of his roommates, Dutsin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes and using the finance provided by another friend Eduardo Saverin, he launched what was called then, The Facebook. It was an instant hit, and soon made Mark the next big thing.

In 2007, he was named as the world’s youngest billionaire and continues to dominate the internet space like no one else. His site, which has ubiquitous presence all across the globe, has now over 850 million members, which in terms of population can be termed as the third largest entity after China and India. A man of radical notions and tremendous genius, Mark wants the world to be a more open place, where every person is connected to other, sharing their personnel lives and dreams that his invention, Facebook would be successful in doing that.


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Technology Trends for Teachers to Try in 2014 (Tren Teknologi 2014 yang Patut Dicoba oleh Guru)


Students learn best when they're invested in the material, but getting teens to that point isn't easy.

"The student comes in, puts their head down and goes to sleep or just ignores what's going on in the class. How do we stop that?" says Rich Lamb, an assistant professor in the College of Education at Washington State University.

One way: technology.

Tools such as tablets, videos and 3-D printing can make otherwise flat lessons come to life, says Lamb, who previously taught science at high schools in Virginia and North Carolina. Essentially, technology hooks students, he says.

"Once you can get the student hooked, then they're open to being taught," Lamb says.

There is no shortage of tools to help teachers engage students. Here are three tech trends teachers can try in 2014. 

1. 3-D printing: 

Once considered a far-fetched technology, 3-D printers are about to go mainstream.

"I've seen them used in elementary schools all the way up to high schools," says Lamb, who researches educational technology.

Students can work in groups to develop and test a solution to a given problem, with an actual product coming out at the end. Using the high-tech printers, teens can build complex gear mechanisms, conduits for water and even water filtration systems, Lamb says.

Lessons built around 3-D printers hone 21st century skills such as collaboration and problem-solving. Prices for the printers can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, but Lamb points out that this is relatively affordable when compared to other teaching materials. 

2. Personalized lessons: 

Students learn in different ways. Some soak up text like a sponge, while others best grasp a concept when they see it or get their hands on it.

The system assesses students' learning styles – visual, auditory or kinesthetic – and then suggests different resources for teachers to use on a given lesson to reach each type of learner.

While Forsyth has the financial resources for a districtwide system thanks to a federal grant, teachers can still approach personalized learning by incorporating online resources that appeal to a variety of learning styles. This could include Khan Academy videos or using Skype to bring researchers and experts into their classroom via video chat, Evans says. 

3. Social lesson sharing: 

Classrooms can be isolating, but educators don't have to teach in silos. Websites such as NROC Math and Share My Lesson allow teachers to share lesson plans and best practices with peers not just in their district, but across the country.

The networking aspect of these sites can be especially beneficial for high school teachers in rural schools, Lamb says.

"For example, in Lewiston-Clarkson, there's one biology teacher," he says referring to two rural districts straddling the Washington-Idaho border. "That biology teacher, she doesn't have the opportunity to interact with another colleague to really bounce lesson plan ideas off."

State-level sites exist, which have lesson plans aligned to the state's standards, as well as Common Core standards, where applicable. Educators can also look to organizations such as the National Science Teachers Association or the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to find national sites with lessons for their specific discipline.


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19 Desember 2013

Prof. Dr. Irwin Yousept - Profesor Muda Asli Indonesia yang Bekerja di Jerman



Biografi ini saya sampaikan dalam blog untuk memberikan motivasi kepada para pembaca sekalian (khususnya diri saya pribadi) agar terus menggapai cita-cita tertinggi dalam dunia akademik walau kita harus mengejarnya hingga ke negeri orang.

Prof. Dr. Irwin Yousept


Research topic

Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations 


Research interests

  • Optimal Control and Numerical Analysis of PDEs
  • PDE-constrained Optimization in Electromagnetics
  • A Priori and a Posteriori Finite Element Error Estimates
  • Regularization, State-Constraints


Contact information

Dolivostraße 15

D-64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 16 - 70946
+49 6151 16 - 4459



Research Group 

Vera Bommer 


Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae 


Name Irwin Yousept
Birth date 14.04.1982
Birth place Jakarta
Martial status unmarried

Academic Education
  2002-2005 Diplom in Mathematics (Berlin University of Technology - final grades: 1.0)
  2006-2008 Ph.D. in Mathematics (Berlin University of Technology - final grades: summa cum laude)




Open Phd Positions



Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten


Publication in Refereed Journals

[16]  Ronald H.W. Hoppe and Irwin Yousept: Adaptive edge element approximation of H(curl)-elliptic optimal control problems with control constraints, submitted, 2013

[15]  J.C. Delos Reyes and Irwin Yousept: Optimal control of electrorheological fluids through the action of electric fields, submitted, 2013

[14] Irwin Yousept: Optimal control of quasilinear H(curl)-elliptic partial differential equations in magnetostatic field problems. SIAM J. Control Optim. 51(5), 3624-3651, 2013

[13] Irwin Yousept: Optimal bilinear control of eddy current equations with grad-div regularization and divergence penalizationJournal of Numerical Mathematics, accepted for publication, 2013

[12] Irwin YouseptOptimal control of Maxwell's equations with regularized state constraintsComputational Optimization and Applications 52(2), 559-581, 2012

[11] Irwin YouseptFinite element analysis of an optimal control problem in the coefficients of time-harmonic eddy current equationsJ. Optim. Theory Appl. 154(3), 879-903, 2012

[10] Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin Yousept: PDE-constrained optimization of time-dependent 3D electromagnetic induction heating by alternating voltagesESAIM: M2AN 46, 709-729, 2012

[9] P.-E. Druet; O. Klein; J. Sprekels; F. Tröltzsch; I. YouseptOptimal control of 3D state-constrained induction heating problems with nonlocal radiation effects. 
SIAM J. Control Optim.
 49(4): 1707-1736, 2011

[8] Irwin YouseptOptimal control of a nonlinear coupled electromagnetic induction heating system with pointwise state constraintsAnn. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl. 2(1): 45-77, 2010

[7] Michael Hintermüller and Irwin YouseptA sensitivity-based extrapolation technique for the numerical solution of state-constrained optimal control problemsESAIM: COCV 16(3): 503-522, 2010

[6] Christian Meyer and Irwin YouseptState-constrained optimal control of semilinear elliptic equations with nonlocal radiation interface conditionsSIAM J. Control Optim. 48(2): 734-755, 2009

[5] Christian Meyer and Irwin YouseptRegularization of state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems with nonlocal radiation interface conditions. Comput. Optim. Appl. 44(2): 183-212, 2009

[4] Juan Carlos Delos Reyes and Irwin YouseptRegularized state-constrained boundary optimal control of the Navier-Stokes equationsJ. Math. Anal. Appl. 356(1): 257-279, 2009

[3] Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin YouseptA regularization method for the numerical solution of elliptic boundary control problems with pointwise state constraintsComput. Optim. Appl. 42(1): 43-66, 2009 

[2] Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin YouseptSource representation strategy for optimal boundary control problems with state constraintsJournal for Analysis and its Applications  28(2): 189-203, 2009

[1] Michael Hintermüller and Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin Yousept: Mesh independence of semismooth Newton methods for Lavrentiev-regularized state constrained optimal control problems. Numerische Mathematik 108(4): 571-603, 2008




C. Meyer; I. Yousept: State-constrained optimal control problem with radiation interface conditions.  Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200700248

J.C. De los Reyes; I. Yousept: Boundary optimal flow control with state constraints. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200700361




Vergleich von Lösungsverfahren zur Behandlung elliptischer Optimalsteuerungsprobleme. Diploma Thesis, TU Berlin, 10/2005.

Optimal control of partial differential equations involving pointwise state constraints: Regularization and applications. Phd Thesis, TU Berlin, 08/2008.


Dies-Mathematicus-Prize (Best master's thesis of 2005)



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