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Punya khalayak otomotif yang kuat, lima mobil mewah termahal ini pernah dijual di Indonesia!

Timnas Indonesia U-16 menjuarai Piala AFF U-16 - Asisten Shin Tae-yong, Nova Arianto mengapresiasi keberhasilan Timnas Indonesia U-16 menjuarai Piala AFF U-16 2022.

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17 Juli 2014

Download PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) Ver. 9.9.4


PCMAV is one of the antivirus made ​​in Indonesia are quite popular and proven effective in combating various types of virus / worm and its variants. 

PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) Ver. 9.9.4
PC Media Antivirus was developed by a team of media PC which is a magazine about computers and IT issues. 

Features Antivirus PCMAV
Real-time Protection : Advanced features that can prevent active malware in memory. Although without the need to manually scan process.
Block Program on USB / Card : For who do not want to miss an active malware from a USB flash disk / card (such as in an office environment), use the feature to prevent malware that has not been recognized.
ANTIKEYLOGGER : Features that can intercept in real-time recording keyboard keystrokes made ​​by the majority of the many keylogger programs currently.
Link Protector : Features that can provide protection when users surf. Capable of preventing malicious websites that have the potential to spread malware to phishing measures.
Automatic Updates : To update the database file by clicking the Update button on the menu in the program

File Name : PCMAV 9.9.4
File Size 10,72 MB
PC Media
OS Support : Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8




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