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27 Desember 2013

10 Rahasia dan Langkah Sukses Ala Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder


He's worth at least 17 billion, he's young(29), he's the founder of the many tentacled Facebook. Despite all that, he's unassuming, under-glammed and down-to-earth in his ways. If you'd like to emulate the world of Mark Zuckerberg, it won't take flashy cars or homes – if you've got the right attitude, you can get started today.

Vielma Zuckerberg

Don't aim to stand out in a crowd.
(Jangan terlalu menonjolkan diri; jadilah diri sendiri)
Mark keeps under the radar as much as possible and doesn't court the media, the fans, or the celebrities. He is his own person and so should you be too. You don't have anything to prove - you're already the epitome of cool by trusting in your own value and style.

Rent, don't buy.
 (Jangan membeli, tetapi menyewa)
Mark rents a modest home in a quiet street in Palo Alto. He doesn't need the million dollar mansion to prove anything. Neither do you. Stick with your leafy suburban home and let the landlord pay for the maintenance and rates. Also, keep the property to a good size - no more bedrooms or bathrooms than needed by those residing in your home plus a guestroom.

Drive a simple car.
 (Gunakan kendaraan yang praktis dan sederhana)
Mark has a $22,000 Japanese car. Clearly it's working for him. If you're lusting after a Porsche, Maserati, Ferrari or Hummer, give up the yearning now. Find a car that is reliable, affordable, sensible, and that fits you without a squeeze. You don't need a fancy car to prove you're a special person.

Don't seek out fancy, expensive possessions.
(Jangan mencintai harta; utamakan kebutuhan, bukan keinginan)
Do these improve your life and happiness any? Not really. Cull it down to the bare necessities and the things that you really love (besides your family and friends that is!). Keep your mind focused on loving what you're doing, not loving what you're having. If you need that new iPhone because it will help you work and socialize, by all means, go for it. But forget upgrading and throwing things away just because you want the latest fad.

Keep fit.
 (Menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran)
Mark trains with a personal trainer five mornings a week. It's his only indulgence and it's a sensible one too. Keeping fit will allow your synapses to fire at full charge all the time, letting your creativity and ideas flow freely. Keeping fit also ensures you have adequate energy to keep up with everyone else from your kids to your employees or coworkers. Plus you'll live longer if you're in great shape.

Eat modestly.
(Makan makanan yang biasa/sederhana)
Mark doesn't go to fancy restaurants. He enjoys visiting his local Cafe Del Sol, a Mexican cafe near Facebook's HQ. Enjoy your food, and enjoy going to places that are comfortable and that fit in with the way you are rather than aiming to "be seen" or to overcharge the credit card.

Be faithful.
 (Setia dan dapat dipercaya)
Mark has been dating Priscilla Chan since 2007. Make your girlfriend or wife your priority in life after, or at, the same level as work. Demonstrating your loyalty and faith in her will see the same returned tenfold to you.

Spend time with your coworkers and friends.
(Luangkan waktu untuk berkumpul bersama sahabat)
You're as good as them and they're as important as you. Mark enjoys having drinks with his staff and coworkers on a Friday after work. Even if you are Mr. Posh and all cashed up, remember the people who helped you to get where you are, always.

Don't be flashy.
(Jangan pamer, mencolok, dan berlebihan)
Mark doesn't flash his cash around and he doesn't throw wild parties. Those are the sorts of activities a wannabe smart, cool guy would do. If you're smart and cool, you won't be needing to do these things.

Be prepared to listen to people when they complain.
 (Selalu mendengarkan kritik dari orang lain)
Mark's good at being a listener and being responsive. He isn't ashamed to admit to problems and to look for solutions. Be a real man and step up to the challenges in life.


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Mark Zuckerberg - Founder and CEO of Facebook - Facts and All About


Mark Zuckerberg, the man of the hour and Time person of the year, 2010, is the founder and CEO of Facebook. His creation is on road to become one of the most valuable tech companies of the world as Facebook debuts at the Nasdaq stock exchange on 18th May, 2012. At $38 per share, the Facebook has a market capitalization of $104 billion, making it not only one of the biggest in Silicon Valley, but one of the biggest in the world. Mark's 443 million shares are worth $16.9 billion at $38 a share.

In the filed listing it was revealed that Facebook's revenue was an astounding $3.7 billion while it generated $1 billion in profit.   Mark himself earned a handsome base salary of $500, 000 amounting to an annual $1.7 million pay package.   Owning  28 % share of Facebook, he will be worth 28 billion USD once the company becomes public and will be standing at front in the queue of richest persons on the planet.

Born on May 14, 1984 to Edward Zuckerberg and Karen Zuckerberg, Mark was a child prodigy, programming and creating games at the age, when one is usually playing them. He repeatedly asserted his extraordinary potential as a computer programmer through different inventions. In his early teens he created a music player named Synapse as a school project using some help from a friend, which used artificial intelligence to understand one’s taste in music and created a playlist accordingly.

Software bigwigs like Microsoft and AOL tried to buy it and even recruit Mark. But he refused both. Instead he went to Harvard in 2002. On Feb 4, 2004, with the help of his roommates, Dutsin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes and using the finance provided by another friend Eduardo Saverin, he launched what was called then, The Facebook. It was an instant hit, and soon made Mark the next big thing.

In 2007, he was named as the world’s youngest billionaire and continues to dominate the internet space like no one else. His site, which has ubiquitous presence all across the globe, has now over 850 million members, which in terms of population can be termed as the third largest entity after China and India. A man of radical notions and tremendous genius, Mark wants the world to be a more open place, where every person is connected to other, sharing their personnel lives and dreams that his invention, Facebook would be successful in doing that.


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#1 Best High Schools in US


School for the Talented and Gifted
DALLAS, TX 75203
Phone: (972) 925-5970
District: Dallas Independent School District

The School for the Talented and Gifted follows the state’s Distinguished Achievement Program, and places an emphasis on Advanced Placement curriculum—a minimum of 11 AP courses are required for graduation. Students at the School for the Talented and Gifted may conduct field research via partnerships with local universities, take electives such as Web mastery, and enroll in mini-courses like ballroom dancing or glass blowing during interim terms.


Rankings / Awards
This details how this school compares to others based on U.S. News ranking criteria.
Medal Awarded Gold
National Rank
State Rank


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#2 Best High Schools in US


BASIS Tucson
3825 EAST 2ND ST
TUCSON, AZ 85716
Phone: (520) 326-3444
District: BASIS Schools Inc.

BASIS Tucson uses an accelerated curriculum that includes Advanced Placement courses in subjects ranging from calculus to music theory. Students at BASIS can graduate after three years, or stay an additional year to complete capstone courses and an optional senior project. During their capstone, students can study subjects such as quantum mechanics or category theory. Extracurricular opportunities for BASIS students include roller derby, cycling, fencing, and robo-rocketry, to name a few.


Rankings / Awards
This details how this school compares to others based on U.S. News ranking criteria.
Medal Awarded Gold
National Rank
State Rank
Charter Rank


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#3 Best High Schools in US


Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Phone: (678) 518-6700
District: Gwinnett County Public Schools

Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology is ranked 1st within Georgia. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® course work and exams. The AP® participation rate at Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology is 100 percent. The student body makeup is 62 percent male and 38 percent female, and the total minority enrollment is 71 percent. Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology is 1 of 22 high schools in the Gwinnett County Public Schools.


Rankings / Awards
This details how this school compares to others based on U.S. News ranking criteria.
Medal Awarded Gold
National Rank
State Rank
Charter Rank


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Technology Trends for Teachers to Try in 2014 (Tren Teknologi 2014 yang Patut Dicoba oleh Guru)


Students learn best when they're invested in the material, but getting teens to that point isn't easy.

"The student comes in, puts their head down and goes to sleep or just ignores what's going on in the class. How do we stop that?" says Rich Lamb, an assistant professor in the College of Education at Washington State University.

One way: technology.

Tools such as tablets, videos and 3-D printing can make otherwise flat lessons come to life, says Lamb, who previously taught science at high schools in Virginia and North Carolina. Essentially, technology hooks students, he says.

"Once you can get the student hooked, then they're open to being taught," Lamb says.

There is no shortage of tools to help teachers engage students. Here are three tech trends teachers can try in 2014. 

1. 3-D printing: 

Once considered a far-fetched technology, 3-D printers are about to go mainstream.

"I've seen them used in elementary schools all the way up to high schools," says Lamb, who researches educational technology.

Students can work in groups to develop and test a solution to a given problem, with an actual product coming out at the end. Using the high-tech printers, teens can build complex gear mechanisms, conduits for water and even water filtration systems, Lamb says.

Lessons built around 3-D printers hone 21st century skills such as collaboration and problem-solving. Prices for the printers can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, but Lamb points out that this is relatively affordable when compared to other teaching materials. 

2. Personalized lessons: 

Students learn in different ways. Some soak up text like a sponge, while others best grasp a concept when they see it or get their hands on it.

The system assesses students' learning styles – visual, auditory or kinesthetic – and then suggests different resources for teachers to use on a given lesson to reach each type of learner.

While Forsyth has the financial resources for a districtwide system thanks to a federal grant, teachers can still approach personalized learning by incorporating online resources that appeal to a variety of learning styles. This could include Khan Academy videos or using Skype to bring researchers and experts into their classroom via video chat, Evans says. 

3. Social lesson sharing: 

Classrooms can be isolating, but educators don't have to teach in silos. Websites such as NROC Math and Share My Lesson allow teachers to share lesson plans and best practices with peers not just in their district, but across the country.

The networking aspect of these sites can be especially beneficial for high school teachers in rural schools, Lamb says.

"For example, in Lewiston-Clarkson, there's one biology teacher," he says referring to two rural districts straddling the Washington-Idaho border. "That biology teacher, she doesn't have the opportunity to interact with another colleague to really bounce lesson plan ideas off."

State-level sites exist, which have lesson plans aligned to the state's standards, as well as Common Core standards, where applicable. Educators can also look to organizations such as the National Science Teachers Association or the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to find national sites with lessons for their specific discipline.


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25 Desember 2013

Esensi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran

Pendekatan saintifik (scientific) disebut juga sebagai pendekatan ilmiah. Proses pembelajaran dapat dipadankan dengan suatu proses ilmiah. Karena itu Kurikulum 2013 mengamanatkan esensi pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran. Pendekatan ilmiah diyakini sebagai titian emas perkembangan dan pengembangan sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan peserta didik. 

Dalam pendekatan atau proses kerja yang memenuhi kriteria ilmiah, para ilmuan lebih mengedepankan pelararan induktif (inductive reasoning) ketimbang penalaran deduktif (deductive reasoning). Penalaran deduktif melihat fenomena umum untuk kemudian menarik simpulan yang spesifik. Sebaliknya, penalaran induktif memandang fenomena atau situasi spesifik untuk kemudian menarik simpulan secara keseluruhan. Sejatinya, penalaran induktif menempatkan bukti-bukti spesifik ke dalam relasi idea yang lebih luas. Metode ilmiah umumnya menempatkan fenomena unik dengan kajian spesifik dan detail untuk kemudian merumuskan simpulan umum.

Metode ilmiah merujuk pada teknik-teknik investigasi atas suatu atau beberapa fenomena atau gejala, memperoleh pengetahuan baru, atau mengoreksi dan memadukan pengetahuan sebelumnya. Untuk dapat disebut ilmiah, metode pencarian (method of inquiry) harus berbasis pada bukti-bukti dari objek yang dapat diobservasi, empiris, dan terukur dengan prinsip-prinsip penalaran yang spesifik.Karena itu, metode ilmiah umumnya memuat serangkaian aktivitas pengumpulan data melalui observasi atau ekperimen, mengolah informasi atau data, menganalisis, kemudian memformulasi, dan menguji hipotesis.

Pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan ilmiah itu lebih efektif hasilnya dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran tradidional. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pada pembelajaran tradisional, retensi informasi dari guru sebesar 10 persensetelah 15 menit dan perolehan pemahaman kontekstual sebesar 25 persen. Pada pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan ilmiah, retensi informasi dari guru sebesar lebih dari 90 persen setelah dua hari dan perolehan pemahaman kontekstual sebesar 50-70 persen.



Kaidah-kaidah Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran

Penggunaan Pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran  harus dipandu dengan kaida-kaidah pendekatan ilmiah. Pendekatan ini bercirikan penonjolan dimensi pengamatan, penalaran, penemuan, pengabsahan, dan penjelasan tentang suatu kebenaran. Dengan demikian, proses pembelajaran harus dilaksanakan dengan dipandu nilai-nilai, prinsip-prinsip, atau kriteria ilmiah. Proses pembelajaran disebut ilmiah jika memenuhi kriteria seperti berikut ini.

Pertama: Substansi atau materi pembelajaran berbasis pada fakta atau fenomena yang dapat dijelaskan dengan logika atau penalaran tertentu; bukan sebatas kira-kira, khayalan, legenda, atau dongeng semata.
  • Penjelasan guru, respon peserta didik, dan interaksi edukatif guru-peserta didik terbebas dari prasangka yang serta-merta, pemikiran subjektif, atau penalaran yang menyimpang dari alur berpikir logis.
  • Mendorong dan menginspirasi peserta didik berpikir secara kritis, analitis, dan tepat dalam mengidentifikasi, memahami, memecahkan masalah, dan mengaplikasikan substansi atau materi pembelajaran.
  • Mendorong dan menginspirasi peserta didik mampu berpikir hipotetik dalam melihat perbedaan, kesamaan, dan tautan satu dengan yang lain dari substansi atau materi pembelajaran.
  • Mendorong dan menginspirasi peserta didik mampu memahami, menerapkan, dan mengembangkan pola berpikir yang rasional dan objektif dalam merespon substansi atau materi pembelajaran.
  • Berbasis pada konsep, teori, dan fakta empiris yang dapatdipertanggung-jawabkan.
  • Tujuan pembelajaran dirumuskan secara sederhana, jelas, dan menarik sistem penyajiannya.

Kedua: Proses pembelajaran harus terhindar dari sifat-sifat atau nilai-nilai nonilmiah yang meliputi intuisi, akal sehat, prasangka, penemuan melalui coba-coba, dan asal berpikir kritis.
  • Intuisi. Intuisi sering dimaknai sebagai kecakapan praktis yang kemunculannya bersifat irasional dan individual. Intuisi juga bermakna kemampuan tingkat tinggi yang dimiliki oleh seseorang atas dasar pengalaman dan kecakapannya. Istilah ini sering juga dipahami sebagai penilaian terhadap sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan secara cepat dan berjalan dengan sendirinya. Kemampuan intuitif itu biasanya didapat secara cepat tanpa melalui proses panjang dan tanpa disadari. Namun demikian, intuisi sama sekali menafikan dimensi alur pikir yang sistemik.
  • Akal sehat. Guru dan peserta didik harus menggunakan akal sehat selama proses pembelajaran, karena memang hal itu dapat menunjukan ranah sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan yang benar. Namun demikian, jika guru dan peserta didik hanya semata-mata menggunakan akal sehat dapat pula menyesatkanmereka dalam proses dan pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran.
  • Prasangka. Sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan yang diperoleh semata-mata atas dasar akal sehat (comon sense) umumnya sangat kuat dipandu kepentingan seseorang (guru, peserta didik, dan sejenisnya) yang menjadi pelakunya. Ketika akal sehat terlalu kuat didomplengi kepentingan pelakunya, seringkali mereka menjeneralisasi hal-hal khusus menjadi terlalu luas.  Hal inilah yang menyebabkan penggunaan akal sehat berubah menjadi prasangka atau pemikiran skeptis. Berpikir skeptis atau prasangka itu memang penting, jika diolah secara baik. Sebaliknya akan berubah menjadi prasangka buruk atau sikap tidak percaya, jika diwarnai oleh kepentingan subjektif guru dan peserta didik.
  • Penemuan coba-coba.  Tindakan atau aksi coba-coba seringkali melahirkan wujud atau temuan yang bermakna. Namun demikian, keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang ditemukan dengan caracoba-coba selalu bersifat tidak terkontrol, tidak memiliki kepastian, dan tidak bersistematika baku. Tentu saja, tindakan coba-coba itu ada manfaatnya bahkan mampu mendorong kreatifitas.Karena itu, kalau memang tindakan coba-coba ini akan dilakukan, harus diserta dengan pencatatan atas setiap tindakan, sampai dengan menemukan kepastian jawaban.  Misalnya, seorang peserta didik mencoba meraba-raba tombol-tombol sebuah komputer laptop, tiba-tiba dia kaget komputer laptop itu menyala. Peserta didik pun melihat lambang tombol yang menyebabkan komputer laptop itu menyala dan mengulangi lagi tindakannya, hingga dia sampai pada kepastian jawaban atas tombol dengan lambang  seperti apa yang bisa memastikan bahwa komputer laptop itu bisa menyala.
  • Asal Berpikir Kritis.  Kamampuan berpikir kritis itu ada pada semua orang, khususnya mereka yang normal hingga jenius. Secara akademik diyakini bahwa pemikiran kritis itu umumnya dimiliki oleh orang yang bependidikan tinggi. Orang seperti ini biasanya pemikirannya dipercaya benar oleh banyak orang. Tentu saja hasil pemikirannya itu tidak semuanya benar, karena bukan berdasarkan hasil esperimen yang valid dan reliabel, karena pendapatnya itu hanya didasari atas pikiran yang logis semata.

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Pendekatan Ilmiah (Scientific Appoach)

Mengamati, Menanya, Mencoba, Mengolah, Menyajikan, Menyimpulkan, dan Mencipta


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