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25 Desember 2013

Video Pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013 Pendekatan Saintifik - Bahasa Indonesia Peminatan

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Kurikulum 2013 dan Implementasinya (Kekurangan dan Kelebihannya)


Kemendikbud mulai tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 secara resmi melaksanakan Kurikulum 2013 secara bertahap dan terbatas. Bertahap artinya Kurikulum 2013 dilaksanakan untuk kelas-kelas tertentu yaitu kelas I, IV, VII, dan X, sedangkan terbatas hanya dilakukan sekolah-sekolah tertentu sebagai  sasaran. 
Untuk SMA ada 1,267 sekolah sebagai pelaksana Kurikulum 2013.  Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan  oleh  Kemendikbud untuk menyukseskan pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013, mulai dari penyiapan materi dan bahan pelatihan, penyiapan instruktur nasional, hingga penyiapan dan pelatihan guru  inti dan guru sasaran. 
Banyak sekali dana yang telah dikucurkan untuk pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013. Lalu, bagaimana pelaksanaan kurikulum di sekolah? Ada beberapa rangkuman yang didapat dari berbagai sekolah sasaran dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013, yaitu sebagai berikut:
  1. Sekolah mengalami kesulitan dalam mengimplementasikan peminatan dan lintas minat. Akibatnya sekolah dalam pelaksanaan peminatan dan lintas minat tidak sesuai dengan permendikbud No. 69 tahun 2013.

  2. Guru mengalami kesulitan memahami KI dan KD karena ada kompetensi yang menyangkut sikap, yakni sikap spritual dan sikap sosial.

  3. Guru mengalami kesulitan dalam  melaksanakan pembelajaran, karena guru masih direpotkan  dengan pencarian materi dan  bahan ajar  karena pemerintah hanya menyiapkan  buku untuk 3 mata pelajaran yaitu mata pelajaran Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia dan Sejarah.

  4. Guru masih canggung dan belum terbiasa melaksanakan  pembelajaran dengan pendekatan Scientific dengan model Discovery Learning, Inquiry, dan Problem Based Learning. Guru masih nyaman dengan pembelajaran  motode ceramah.

  5. Pada mata pelajaran matematika antara matematika wajib dan matematika peminatan, KI dan KD nya tidak diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga antara matematika wajib dan matematika peminatan sangat tidak dimungkinkan di ampuh oleh 2 orang guru, melainkan harus diampuh oleh seorang guru. 

  6. Contoh:
    KD Matematika Wajib:
    3.1. Memilih dan menerapkan aturan eksponen dan logaritma sesuai dengankarakteristik permasalahanyang akandiselesaikan dan memeriksakebenaran langkah-langkahnya.

    KD matematika peminatan:
    3.1.Mendeskripsikan dan menganalisisberbagai konsep dan prinsip fungsi eksponensial dan logaritma serta menerapkan dalam menyelesaikan masalah.

  7. Tidak siapnya guru inti dan guru sasaran melakukan pengimbasan di sekolah-sekolah sasaran, sehingga konsep  yang benar tentang Kurikulum 2013 tidak sampai ke guru-guru sasaran yang lain (karena tidak semua guru sasaran dilatih oleh Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Kemendikbud)

  8. Penerapan penilaian Auntentik juga “gamang” dilaksanakan oleh guru,  karena selama ini guru hanya berorientasi pada hasil belajar bukan pada proses, sedangkan Kurikulum 2013 berorientasi  pada proses dan hasil.

  9. Ada ketidak sinkronan penggunaan istilah antara Permendikbud No. 66 Tentang Standar Penilaian dan Permendikbud N0. 81 A tentang Impelentasi Kurikulum.  Di Standar Penilaian tercantum ulangan harian, ulangan tengah semester, ulangan semester dan ujian tingkat kompetensi. Sedangkan di Permendikbud N0. 81 A 9LampiranIV)  tidak digunakan istilah ulangan harian, ulangan tengah semester, ulangan semester dan ujian tingkat kompetensi melainkan menggunakan istilah tes formatif dan tes sumatif (????)

  10. Berubahnya sistem penilaian dan penulisan rapor juga menjadi perbincangan hangat serta penilaian yang menggunaka skala 1 -4  masih membingungan guru karena juknis penilaian  belum diterbitkan oleh direktorat terkait.

  11. Sarana sekolah yang belum memadai untuk pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013, misalnya tidak adanya akses internet (WIFI), jumlah siswa yang relatif besar (> 40 siswa) perrombel dan masih ada  guru-guru yang belum sepenuhnya menguasai TIK


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Bandwidth Graph Gadget - Yahoo Widget Engine


Bandwidth Graph


Another great tool by Yahoo Widget Engine, this bandwidth monitoring tool display your bandwidth usage, upload and download speeds, resettable totals, and it also generates a graph to show you the details in a visual graph. At the end of a day, it will automatically calculate the total bandwidth usage for you.


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Network Monitor II Gadget for Windows - IP address (LAN, Internet or WAN)


Network Monitor II


Network Monitor II shows you all the essential information of the current network connection. The details displayed includes the network traffic, IP address (LAN, Internet or WAN), network usage, download and upload speed progress bar, the peak of the upload/download speed, and how much of the bandwidth is it currently using. If you wish to track the bandwidth you have used for the day, you can also easily save & export the data to keep a record. In addition to that, it also display advanced info such as DNS server, internet gateway, & MAC address of your computer.


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Network Utilization Gadget - Windows Installation


Network Utilization


A robust lightweight tool that should have come with every Windows installation, it shows you the transfer speed you are currently getting from your network in bar and line graphs with different interval choices. You get to set the gap between each refresh, with 10 seconds being the maximum.


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Speedo Meter Gadget for Windows - Yahoo! Widget Engine



Before installing SpeedoMeter on your computer, make sure that you have installed Yahoo! Widget Engine on your pc as it is the platform needed to run Yahoo widgets effectively. The default design looks a bit old school at first glance, but you can easily tweak it to make it look fashionable & integrate nicely with the desktop.


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Network Traffic Gadget for Windows 7 and Windows 8


Network Traffic

Designed as a quality indicator to track incoming and outgoing internet traffic, users can easily personalize this gadget by adding their own skins & control the number of data transfer devices on this gadget.


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Network Meter Gadget for Windows 7 and Windows 8


Network Meter

This amazing utility tool is packed with all sorts of nifty features; users can check upload & download speed, external & internal IP address connected to the WIFI, whether the connection is secured enough, the total upload & download usage. It’s great to know how much bandwidth you still can use until you have reached your limit, & if you’re on the go most of the time, you can check your wireless speed connection before deciding whether to download a huge file off the network.


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Windows 7 Bandwidth Monitor Gadget


Windows 7 Bandwidth Monitor Gadget

Keeping an eye on the bandwidth usage is a great suggestion, especially if you’re not signed up to an unlimited broadband package. Every single action you have made over the browser will be tracked & the usage will be displayed in real time fashion with graphical representation. With these utilities installed in your computer, you will know which one is the culprit that sucks up all the bandwidth, & it doesn’t clutter up your screen as it only takes up a small space at the corner without providing any distraction to your workflow, so Windows users can easily install these gadgets and take advantage of the detailed analysis provided by these nifty little gadgets.


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19 Desember 2013

Prof. Dr. Irwin Yousept - Profesor Muda Asli Indonesia yang Bekerja di Jerman



Biografi ini saya sampaikan dalam blog untuk memberikan motivasi kepada para pembaca sekalian (khususnya diri saya pribadi) agar terus menggapai cita-cita tertinggi dalam dunia akademik walau kita harus mengejarnya hingga ke negeri orang.

Prof. Dr. Irwin Yousept


Research topic

Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations 


Research interests

  • Optimal Control and Numerical Analysis of PDEs
  • PDE-constrained Optimization in Electromagnetics
  • A Priori and a Posteriori Finite Element Error Estimates
  • Regularization, State-Constraints


Contact information

Dolivostraße 15

D-64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 16 - 70946
+49 6151 16 - 4459



Research Group 

Vera Bommer 


Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae 


Name Irwin Yousept
Birth date 14.04.1982
Birth place Jakarta
Martial status unmarried

Academic Education
  2002-2005 Diplom in Mathematics (Berlin University of Technology - final grades: 1.0)
  2006-2008 Ph.D. in Mathematics (Berlin University of Technology - final grades: summa cum laude)




Open Phd Positions



Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten


Publication in Refereed Journals

[16]  Ronald H.W. Hoppe and Irwin Yousept: Adaptive edge element approximation of H(curl)-elliptic optimal control problems with control constraints, submitted, 2013

[15]  J.C. Delos Reyes and Irwin Yousept: Optimal control of electrorheological fluids through the action of electric fields, submitted, 2013

[14] Irwin Yousept: Optimal control of quasilinear H(curl)-elliptic partial differential equations in magnetostatic field problems. SIAM J. Control Optim. 51(5), 3624-3651, 2013

[13] Irwin Yousept: Optimal bilinear control of eddy current equations with grad-div regularization and divergence penalizationJournal of Numerical Mathematics, accepted for publication, 2013

[12] Irwin YouseptOptimal control of Maxwell's equations with regularized state constraintsComputational Optimization and Applications 52(2), 559-581, 2012

[11] Irwin YouseptFinite element analysis of an optimal control problem in the coefficients of time-harmonic eddy current equationsJ. Optim. Theory Appl. 154(3), 879-903, 2012

[10] Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin Yousept: PDE-constrained optimization of time-dependent 3D electromagnetic induction heating by alternating voltagesESAIM: M2AN 46, 709-729, 2012

[9] P.-E. Druet; O. Klein; J. Sprekels; F. Tröltzsch; I. YouseptOptimal control of 3D state-constrained induction heating problems with nonlocal radiation effects. 
SIAM J. Control Optim.
 49(4): 1707-1736, 2011

[8] Irwin YouseptOptimal control of a nonlinear coupled electromagnetic induction heating system with pointwise state constraintsAnn. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl. 2(1): 45-77, 2010

[7] Michael Hintermüller and Irwin YouseptA sensitivity-based extrapolation technique for the numerical solution of state-constrained optimal control problemsESAIM: COCV 16(3): 503-522, 2010

[6] Christian Meyer and Irwin YouseptState-constrained optimal control of semilinear elliptic equations with nonlocal radiation interface conditionsSIAM J. Control Optim. 48(2): 734-755, 2009

[5] Christian Meyer and Irwin YouseptRegularization of state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems with nonlocal radiation interface conditions. Comput. Optim. Appl. 44(2): 183-212, 2009

[4] Juan Carlos Delos Reyes and Irwin YouseptRegularized state-constrained boundary optimal control of the Navier-Stokes equationsJ. Math. Anal. Appl. 356(1): 257-279, 2009

[3] Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin YouseptA regularization method for the numerical solution of elliptic boundary control problems with pointwise state constraintsComput. Optim. Appl. 42(1): 43-66, 2009 

[2] Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin YouseptSource representation strategy for optimal boundary control problems with state constraintsJournal for Analysis and its Applications  28(2): 189-203, 2009

[1] Michael Hintermüller and Fredi Tröltzsch and Irwin Yousept: Mesh independence of semismooth Newton methods for Lavrentiev-regularized state constrained optimal control problems. Numerische Mathematik 108(4): 571-603, 2008




C. Meyer; I. Yousept: State-constrained optimal control problem with radiation interface conditions.  Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200700248

J.C. De los Reyes; I. Yousept: Boundary optimal flow control with state constraints. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200700361




Vergleich von Lösungsverfahren zur Behandlung elliptischer Optimalsteuerungsprobleme. Diploma Thesis, TU Berlin, 10/2005.

Optimal control of partial differential equations involving pointwise state constraints: Regularization and applications. Phd Thesis, TU Berlin, 08/2008.


Dies-Mathematicus-Prize (Best master's thesis of 2005)



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