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27 Desember 2013

10 Rahasia dan Langkah Sukses Ala Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder


He's worth at least 17 billion, he's young(29), he's the founder of the many tentacled Facebook. Despite all that, he's unassuming, under-glammed and down-to-earth in his ways. If you'd like to emulate the world of Mark Zuckerberg, it won't take flashy cars or homes – if you've got the right attitude, you can get started today.

Vielma Zuckerberg

Don't aim to stand out in a crowd.
(Jangan terlalu menonjolkan diri; jadilah diri sendiri)
Mark keeps under the radar as much as possible and doesn't court the media, the fans, or the celebrities. He is his own person and so should you be too. You don't have anything to prove - you're already the epitome of cool by trusting in your own value and style.

Rent, don't buy.
 (Jangan membeli, tetapi menyewa)
Mark rents a modest home in a quiet street in Palo Alto. He doesn't need the million dollar mansion to prove anything. Neither do you. Stick with your leafy suburban home and let the landlord pay for the maintenance and rates. Also, keep the property to a good size - no more bedrooms or bathrooms than needed by those residing in your home plus a guestroom.

Drive a simple car.
 (Gunakan kendaraan yang praktis dan sederhana)
Mark has a $22,000 Japanese car. Clearly it's working for him. If you're lusting after a Porsche, Maserati, Ferrari or Hummer, give up the yearning now. Find a car that is reliable, affordable, sensible, and that fits you without a squeeze. You don't need a fancy car to prove you're a special person.

Don't seek out fancy, expensive possessions.
(Jangan mencintai harta; utamakan kebutuhan, bukan keinginan)
Do these improve your life and happiness any? Not really. Cull it down to the bare necessities and the things that you really love (besides your family and friends that is!). Keep your mind focused on loving what you're doing, not loving what you're having. If you need that new iPhone because it will help you work and socialize, by all means, go for it. But forget upgrading and throwing things away just because you want the latest fad.

Keep fit.
 (Menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran)
Mark trains with a personal trainer five mornings a week. It's his only indulgence and it's a sensible one too. Keeping fit will allow your synapses to fire at full charge all the time, letting your creativity and ideas flow freely. Keeping fit also ensures you have adequate energy to keep up with everyone else from your kids to your employees or coworkers. Plus you'll live longer if you're in great shape.

Eat modestly.
(Makan makanan yang biasa/sederhana)
Mark doesn't go to fancy restaurants. He enjoys visiting his local Cafe Del Sol, a Mexican cafe near Facebook's HQ. Enjoy your food, and enjoy going to places that are comfortable and that fit in with the way you are rather than aiming to "be seen" or to overcharge the credit card.

Be faithful.
 (Setia dan dapat dipercaya)
Mark has been dating Priscilla Chan since 2007. Make your girlfriend or wife your priority in life after, or at, the same level as work. Demonstrating your loyalty and faith in her will see the same returned tenfold to you.

Spend time with your coworkers and friends.
(Luangkan waktu untuk berkumpul bersama sahabat)
You're as good as them and they're as important as you. Mark enjoys having drinks with his staff and coworkers on a Friday after work. Even if you are Mr. Posh and all cashed up, remember the people who helped you to get where you are, always.

Don't be flashy.
(Jangan pamer, mencolok, dan berlebihan)
Mark doesn't flash his cash around and he doesn't throw wild parties. Those are the sorts of activities a wannabe smart, cool guy would do. If you're smart and cool, you won't be needing to do these things.

Be prepared to listen to people when they complain.
 (Selalu mendengarkan kritik dari orang lain)
Mark's good at being a listener and being responsive. He isn't ashamed to admit to problems and to look for solutions. Be a real man and step up to the challenges in life.


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