Live Streaming Online Belajar Bahasa Indonesia SD SMP SMA KBBI PUEBI Buku Materi Pelajaran Tugas Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah Penilaian Harian Silabus

2012 Something Is Going On!

There are so many thing going on around the world that you may not be aware of. The main stream media only tells you what they have to and downplays the rest to prevent mass panic.

Have you heard about the increased solar storms that could take out our entire electric grid, or the 2012 DA14 asteroid that could destroy our entire planet? What about the strange sounds being heard all around the world, or the strange lights being seen in the sky? 

The media does report on natural disasters, but are they telling you about all the records being broken for natural disasters? Are you aware of all the birds falling from the sky for no apparent reason, and the fish dying by the hundreds of thousands? There are reports of blood red rivers, strange animal behaviors and so much more you just don’t know about.

I strongly urge you to watch the video below and remember, it’s not the medias job to keep you informed, but it’s your job to stay informed. Prepare yourself and your family for what they’re not telling you.

Catatan dari Admin: 
Tulisan di atas BUKAN untuk dipercaya, tapi HANYA UNTUK dibaca!!!
Bagi umat muslim, percayalah HANYA kepada Allah SWT semata, bukan kepada ramalan siapapun!

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