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Wanita Cantik Lahir Batin, Calon Istri Idaman

Wanita Cantik Lahir Batin, Kamu Harus Segera Nikahi Dia Model wanita seperti ini sangat langka. Baca selengkapnya:

5 Mobil Mewah Termahal Yang Pernah Dijual di Indonesia

Punya khalayak otomotif yang kuat, lima mobil mewah termahal ini pernah dijual di Indonesia!

Timnas Indonesia U-16 menjuarai Piala AFF U-16 - Asisten Shin Tae-yong, Nova Arianto mengapresiasi keberhasilan Timnas Indonesia U-16 menjuarai Piala AFF U-16 2022.

Tesla Cybertruck Asli dalam Video Baru Dari Peterson

Diupload: 13 Apr 2023, Museum Otomotif Peterson memiliki prototipe Cybertruck pertama yang dipamerkan dalam pameran, selengakapnya di

Kabar Baik untuk ARMY! BTS Kembali Dinobatkan sebagai Penyanyi K-Pop Terpopuler

Dilansir dari laman Soompi, BTS kembali menempati peringkat pertama sebagai penyanyi K-Pop terpopuler


01 April 2013

Youtube - Lenka - Everything At Once - Live in Hong Kong - Fatin Menangis Karena Lupa Lirik Lagu Ini

Lagu inilah yang membuat Fatin Shidqia menangis di panggung X-Factor Indonesia. Lirik dan informasi selengkapnya silakan lihat di sini

Billboard Music Top 100 Chart in The World

Cari informasi lainnya di bawah ini

31 Maret 2013

Struktur Pengurus Baru Partai Demokrat - SBY Menjadi Ketua Umum

Ketua Umum PD Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) telah menunjuk Syarief Hasan menjadi Ketua Harian DPP PD. Sementara Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas) tetap menjabat Sekjen PD.

"Tetap, kita tidak membicarakan pergeseran," kata EE Mangindaan yang baru saja ditunjuk SBY menjadi ketua harian Dewan Pembina PD.

Hal ini disampaikan Mangindaan kepada wartawan di Hotel Laguna, Nusa Dua, Bali, Minggu (31/3/2013).

Mangindaan menuturkan tim formatur masih terus bekerja. Membahas struktur baru yang akan disampaikan SBY di Jakarta.

"Saya belum tahu kapan selesainya," katanya.

SBY ditunjuk aklamasi menjadi ketum PD di KLB PD. SBY yang ingin fokus dengan tugas negaranya pun menunjuk pengurus harian DPP PD.

SBY menunjuk Syarief Hasan menjadi ketua harian DPP PD, Marzuki Alie sebagai wakil ketua majelis tinggi selaku ketua harian majelis tinggi, dan EE Mangindaan sebagai ketua harian dewan pembina.

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28 Maret 2013

EA Unveils Battlefield 4, Prepare 4 Battle

The game is fueled by the next generation power and fidelity of Frostbite 3. For those of us in the audience who got to see a 17 minute live demo we were pretty blown away and now you get the chance to see it for yourself.


In addition to its hallmark multiplayer, Battlefield 4 features an intense, dramatic character-driven campaign that starts with the evacuation of American VIPs from Shanghai and follows your squad's struggle to find its way home. The emotional demo features a cast of characters unrivaled in the industry.

As EA Games Label EVP Patrick Söderlund said, "It is thrilling to witness peoples’ reaction when seeing the game for the first time. It really makes you realize that we are at the beginning of a whole new era for gaming."

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Kordell Stewart Divorce Filing Porsha Williams

Stewart - a former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback - "misled" Porsha and "she found out about the filing in the media," according to the reality star's rep, who adds:
"Mrs. Stewart hopes to resolve these personal issues privately with the support of her family, friends and strong faith."
Kordell and Porsha were married in May 2011. He has a son from a previous relationship, but this couple never had any kids together.
Stewart filed for divorce in Georgia in March 22 and says he should not be required to pay Williams a cent in spousal support.
"She was 100 percent completely blindsided," another insider tells Us Weekly. "Friends are trying to contact her but she's not picking up her phone or returning texts."
- See more at:
Stewart - a former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback - "misled" Porsha and "she found out about the filing in the media," according to the reality star's rep, who adds:
"Mrs. Stewart hopes to resolve these personal issues privately with the support of her family, friends and strong faith."
Kordell and Porsha were married in May 2011. He has a son from a previous relationship, but this couple never had any kids together.
Stewart filed for divorce in Georgia in March 22 and says he should not be required to pay Williams a cent in spousal support.
"She was 100 percent completely blindsided," another insider tells Us Weekly. "Friends are trying to contact her but she's not picking up her phone or returning texts."
- See more at:
Stewart - a former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback - "misled" Porsha and "she found out about the filing in the media," according to the reality star's rep, who adds:
"Mrs. Stewart hopes to resolve these personal issues privately with the support of her family, friends and strong faith."
Kordell and Porsha were married in May 2011. He has a son from a previous relationship, but this couple never had any kids together. Stewart filed for divorce in Georgia in March 22 and says he should not be required to pay Williams a cent in spousal support.
"She was 100 percent completely blindsided," another insider tells Us Weekly. "Friends are trying to contact her but she's not picking up her phone or returning texts."
Stewart - a former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback - "misled" Porsha and "she found out about the filing in the media," according to the reality star's rep, who adds:
"Mrs. Stewart hopes to resolve these personal issues privately with the support of her family, friends and strong faith."
Kordell and Porsha were married in May 2011. He has a son from a previous relationship, but this couple never had any kids together.
Stewart filed for divorce in Georgia in March 22 and says he should not be required to pay Williams a cent in spousal support.
"She was 100 percent completely blindsided," another insider tells Us Weekly. "Friends are trying to contact her but she's not picking up her phone or returning texts."
- See more at:

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