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18 Oktober 2012

Pelantikan Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)

Pasangan pemenang pemilihan gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko “Jokowi” Widodo dan Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama resmi dilantik untuk periode 2012 – 2017 dalam Rapat Paripurna Istimewa DPRD DKI Jakarta Senin (15/10).

Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi, yang memimpin pelantikan tersebut, berharap pasangan Joko dan Basuki mampu menjawab dan menuntaskan problematika Jakarta seperti kemacetan, banjir, dan keamanan warga.

“Sesungguhnya masyarakat Jakarta sangat merindukan transportasi yang lancar dan bebas dari kemacetan. Selain itu juga, bebas dari banjir yang mendera. Persoalan pengendalian penduduk dan pemukiman layak huni. Sarana bermain yang memadai dan ruang terbuka. Pendidikan yang semakin maju. Keamanan dan rasa nyaman warga dari segala bentuk kejahatan dan gangguan kamtibmas termasuk tawuran yang marak terjadi,” ujar Gamawan.

“Pada bagian lain, persoalan lapangan kerja, pengentasan kemiskinan dan derasnya arus urbanisasi kiranya harus mendapat perhatian yang terus menerus. Ke depan kita menunggu sentuhan tangan dan kerja keras gubernur dan wakil gubernur yang baru.”

Gamawan juga memberikan apresiasi dalam penyelenggaraan pemilihan gubernur DKI Jakarta 2012 yang menurutnya berlangsung aman dan ada sikap kenegarawan dari kedua pasang kandidat.

“Perjalanan pemilukada ini telah memberi tanda bahwa proses transformasi politik di Indonesia berjalan dengan sangat baik,” ujarnya.

Usai menjalani pelantikan, pasangan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jakarta yang baru melakukan orasi di atas panggung di Jl. Kebon Sirih Jakarta, dengan disaksikan sekitar 10-15 ribu warga Jakarta yang sengaja datang sejak pagi. Gubernur Joko Widodo memastikan kepada para warga bahwa dirinya tetap akan mendatangi warga secara langsung, dari kampung ke kampung.

“Saya minta kepada bapak ibu saudara-saudara semua agar tetap mengawal saya dan pak Basuki. Hal itu perlu dilakukan agar program-program yang saya jalani dapat berjalan dengan baik. Saya tetap akan berjalan dari kampung ke kampong, dari RW ke RW, dari RT ke RT setiap hari,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Basuki Tjahaja Purnama memastikan akan memperhatikan masalah kesehatan warga Jakarta, serta masalah pendidikan dan pemukiman layak.

“Siapapun yang sakit, kalau masuk ke kelas tiga dan penuh, bisa masuk ke kelas dua. Jadi tidak ada lagi harus menunggu karena ruangan perawatan di rumah sakit penuh. Karena masalah sakit, pendidikan dan pemukiman adalah hak kita semua,” ujar Basuki.

Deni, salah seorang warga Jakarta yang ikut menyaksikan acara pelantikan di berharap, pasangan Joko-Basuki dapat bersinergi dalam membangun Jakarta bersama masyarakat.

“Program mereka berdua yang masuk ke kampung-kampung harus diiringi dengan kerja sama diantara mereka. Aspirasi masyarakat harus ditindaklanjuti oleh Jokowi-Ahok. Tidak pernah ada pelantikan gubernur seperti ini. Ini seperti mengulang jamannya (Presiden) Soekarno. Warga Jakarta hari ini menaruh harapan dan antusias melihat Jokowi menduduki DKI 1,” ujarnya.

Dalam acara pelantikan ini, hadir mantan gubernur DKI Jakarta dan wakilnya, Fauzi Bowo dan Prijanto, mantan Presiden Republik Indonesia Megawati Soekarno Putri, Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan dan Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Banten Rano Karno, serta mantan gubernur DKI Jakarta Sutiyoso.



Biografi Felix Baumgartner

Felix Baumgartner (diucapkan [felɪks baʊmgaːɐtnəʁ]; lahir 20 April 1969; umur 43 tahun) adalah seorang penerjun dan pelompat BASE Austria. Ia mencetak rekor dunia setelah terjun dari ketinggian 39 kilometer (130,000 kaki), mencapai kecepatan 1.342 kilometer per jam (834 mph), atau Mach 1,24, pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2012. 

Ia juga terkenal karena aksi yang ia lakukan sepanjang karirnya. Baumgartner menghabiskan waktunya di militer Austria tempat ia mempelajari terjun parasut, termasuk berlatih mendarat di zona target kecil.

Proyek terbaru Baumgartner adalah Red Bull Stratos, yaitu proyek yang melibatkan Baumgartner terjun ke Bumi dari balon helium di stratosfer pada tangal 14 Oktober 2012. Sebagai bagian dari proyek, ia berhasil mencetak rekor ketinggian untuk penerbangan balon berawak.

Baca biografi selengkapnya

Felix Baumgartner Biography From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Felix Baumgartner (German: [felɪks baʊmgaːɐtnəʁ]; born 20 April 1969) is an Austrian skydiver, daredevil and BASE jumper. He set the world record for skydiving an estimated 39 kilometres (24 mi), reaching an estimated speed of 1,342 kilometres per hour (834 mph), or Mach 1.24, on 14 October 2012. He is also renowned for the particularly dangerous nature of the stunts he has performed during his career. Baumgartner spent time in the Austrian military where he practiced parachute jumping, including training to land on small target zones.

Baumgartner's most recent project was Red Bull Stratos, in which he jumped to Earth from a helium balloon in the stratosphere on 14 October 2012. As part of this project, he set the altitude record for a manned balloon flight, parachute jump from the highest altitude, and greatest free fall velocity.

Baumgartner was born on 20 April 1969 in Salzburg, Austria.

In 1999 he claimed the world record for the highest parachute jump from a building when he jumped from the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. On 31 July 2003, Baumgartner became the first person to skydive across the English Channel using a specially made carbon fiber wing. He also set the world record for the lowest BASE jump ever, when he jumped 95 feet (29 m) from the hand of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.

He became the first person to BASE jump from the completed Millau Viaduct in France on 27 June 2004[citation needed] and the first person to skydive onto, then BASE jump from, the Turning Torso building in Malmö, Sweden on 18 August 2006. On 12 December 2007 he became the first person to jump from the 91st floor observation deck of the then-tallest completed building in the world, Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan.


Colonel Joe Kittinger, USAF (Retired) Biography

Joe Kittinger (Red Bull Stratos Flight Operations And Safety, Capcom I) is enshrined in the National Aviation Hall of Fame, credited for helping NASA's astronaut program.

 Colonel Joe Kittinger, United States Air Force (Retired)

On August 16, 1960 Joe Kittinger became a real-life superhero.

It was the "highest step in the world".  Joe Kittinger made history as he ascended to 102,800 feet in a high-altitude balloon and jumped to Earth, setting four world records. During a distinguished USAF career, Joe served as a test pilot, Squadron Commander, and Vice Wing Commander, and he spent 11 months as a POW in Vietnam. He retired as a Colonel and subsequently set two world ballooning records and won numerous ballooning competitions.

Joe Kittinger's Jump 1960 (c) Getty Images

Joe is a National Aeronautics Association Elder Statesman of Aviation; was awarded a Lifetime Achievement in Aviation trophy from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum; was made an Honorary U.S. Army Golden Knight; and is enshrined in the National Aviation Hall of Fame, the U.S. Ballooning Hall of Fame and the National Skydiving Museum Hall of Fame. To date, Joe has logged more than 16,800 hours of flying time in over 93 aircraft. His adventures are detailed in his autobiography, Come Up and Get Me.  

He shares his knowledge to help address the challenges of Red Bull Stratos, and as "Capcom" (capsule communications) he will be Mission Control's primary point of radio contact with Felix Baumgartner during ascent.


Felix Baumgartner Breaks The Speed of Sound in Freefall

Felix Baumgartner broke the speed of sound reaching an estimated speed of *833.9 mph (1,342.8 km/h) jumping from the stratosphere, which when certified will make him the first man to break the speed of sound in freefall while delivering valuable data for future space exploration.

Felix climbed to 128,100 feet (39,045 meters) in a helium-filled balloon Sunday morning Oct. 14, 2012. This is exactly 65 years after Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier flying in an experimental rocket powered airplane. Felix broke two other world records (highest freefall, highest manned balloon flight), leaving the longest freefall record to project mentor Col. Joe Kittinger.

Felix's entire trip back to earth lasted 9:09 minutes, with 4:22 of that time in freefall (without drogue). Countless millions of people around the world watched his ascent and jump live on television broadcasts and live stream on the Internet. At one point during his freefall Baumgartner appeared to spin rapidly, but he quickly re-gained control and moments later opened his parachute as members of the ground crew cheered and viewers around the world heaved a sigh of relief.

"It was an incredible up and down today, just like it's been with the whole project," a relieved Baumgartner said. "First we got off with a beautiful launch and then we had a bit of drama with a power supply issue to my visor. The exit was perfect but then I started spinning slowly. I thought I'd just spin a few times and that would be that, but then I started to speed up. It was really brutal at times. I thought for a few seconds that I'd lose consciousness. I didn't feel a sonic boom because I was so busy just trying to stabilize myself. We'll have to wait and see if we really broke the sound barrier. It was really a lot harder than I thought it was going to be."

Baumgartner and his team spent five years training and preparing for the mission that is designed to improve our scientific understanding of how the body copes with the extreme conditions near space.

* The data on the records set by the jump are preliminary pending confirmation from the authorized governing bodies.


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