
Jumat, Desember 21, 2012

Is The World Really Going To End On December 21 2012?

Is the world really going to end on December 21 2012? That is perhaps the most frequently asked question I receive from visitors to my website The short answer is most likely no. We as human beings have no possible way of knowing when and how our planet will end. However, we are smart enough and intuitive enough to know when sure and imminent danger is near, and we must be willing to recognize and react to signs of coming change.

More importantly we must realize that our entire universe along with our very existence runs in cycles, and evidence of these cycles has been scientifically proven and their recurrence is inevitable. Based on my research and studies into the many theories, prophecies, predictions and facts surrounding 2012, I have come to realize that our world is not set to completely end anytime soon. However, we can be certain that some very dramatic and devastating changes are coming, and these changes will most definitely represent the end of the world “AS WE KNOW IT”.

We are currently and unquestionably immersed in the final years of a thirteen-year global tribulation that began on the winter solstice 1999 and will reach its ultimate conclusion on December 21 2012. During this period of unrest and uncertainty we will become witnesses to a gathering storm of events that will slowly and systematically redefine our existence on this planet.

These events will come in the form of both natural and manmade disasters as well as social, economic and religious upheavals, and will most definitely effect every living being on the planet. When featured on the local, network and cable news outlets, these events will be described in terms such as “never before seen”, “worst on record”, “apocalyptic” and yes, “the end of the world”.

As the days continue to countdown to Dec. 21 2012, we will begin to experience a number of natural disasters and unprecedented weather events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and many other extraordinary life threatening natural events. Although our planet has always experienced nature’s destructive wrath in one form or another, these disasters will become increasingly more frequent and significantly more intense then any we have ever experienced.

Along with the increased property damage and economic losses associated with these disasters, the lose of human life will increase exponentially. As these extreme weather events continue to develop, they will help to significantly increase global famine, disease, pandemics and many other forms of human suffering. Massive floods will devastate, extreme heat will decimate and intense fires will incinerate the very ground on which we stand. Tornadoes will strike in uncommon places and at uncommon times of the year. Severe thunderstorms with intense lighting and uncommonly strong winds will become more prevalent, and the earth will rumble with unusual and unidentifiable sounds of stress.

In addition to natural disasters, mankind itself will initiate its own near destruction through the use of social, economic, chemical, biological and nuclear warfare. In a push for power and global domination you will begin to see the world governments respond to perceived threats from other nations with unprecedented force and extreme violence. This continuing show of force will undoubtably lead to a third world war and sure nuclear destruction of many highly populated regions.

Many wars will be waged in the name of religion and ethnic cleansing, while others will be initiated to spawn a perceived one-world government to oversee a desired new world order. We will continue to be subjected to both petty and potentially life-altering laws, rules, regulations and religious initiatives designs to keep us preoccupied with day-to-day social, economic and health related issues.

Our continuing insecurities will be intensified by an unscrupulous power base of leaders whose primary goal is to deliberately instill near chaos in the form of social and economic unrest. This continuing unrest will be artificially and irrevocably addressed through the implementation of ever increasing taxes, diminished human rights and a desire to keep us in perpetual debt and in a constant state of insured domestic poverty an insecurity.

All of the life threatening, human suffering and earth changing events that are and will continue to take place throughout the tribulation are simply a prelude to a much larger human and planetary disaster. These events in their entirety should and will serve as a preemptive warning of a single global catastrophic event expected to take place at exactly 11:11 GMT on December 21 2012.

Science has made reference to a number of possible devastating earthly events such as a Yellowstone super volcanic eruption or a polar shift that could take place in a matter of moments. Other dangers from the sky such as enormous asteroids, increased and violent solar activity, the emergence of Planet X or Nibiru, and the possible devastating effects of a planetary alignment have been well documented and studied by scientists around the world.

All of these scenarios have been proven viable and very relevant to the times in which we live. Any one of these events or a combination of many would bring unprecedented global destruction. Human life would dramatically be effected and millions, even billions will die. Although no one knows exactly what this coming catastrophe might bring, we can be sure that the outcome will be dire.

The coming global cataclysm is in no way unique to our existence on this earth. As part of a universal cycle of near destruction, our planet and its population has experienced some form of renewal many times before, and it appears we are in line to witness this extraordinary event once again. The coming event is very real and has been foreseen and foretold by most all ancient civilizations and religions throughout the world.

Although the basic scenarios and possible implications very, the final outcome remains consistent in all cases. The ancient Mayans and Aztecs refer to this coming event in terms such as the entering of the fifth world or fifth sun. The Hopi Indians call it the great purification. Christianity calls it the Rapture. Islam sees it as the coming of the Mahdi. The Hindus believe we are in the final moments of the Iron Age, which is the last of four periods known as Kali Yuga.

Astrologers call it the coming of the Age of Aquarius which is representative of a cleansing of the earth. In addition, interpretations of many ancient and modern day oracles and prophets of doom also see the coming events. The Chinese book of Changes (I-Ching) sees it as the end of history. The Bible Code, The Web Bot Project, Nostradamus and many others also have provided us with the necessary signs of coming devastation. NASA has confirmed increasing solar disturbances that will reach their peek in late 2012, and even Albert Einstein spoke about the possible implications of the coming astronomical anomalies.

We as human beings are instinctually aware of the coming changes. If you haven’t already began to experience it, very soon you, as an individual will begin to notice an increased sense of awareness and understanding of the inevitable. Many attribute this increased awareness to a possible chemical enhancement of human DNA, while other believe these abilities have simply been suppressed and denied over time and are slowly being revealed in order to prepare us for sure and sustainable change.

These feeling and signs of utter dread and impending doom will begin to manifest themselves in many ways, and will effect an ever increasing number of people as we get closer to December 21 2012. Some will see this as a spiritual awakening, while other will experience a remarkable ability to foresee coming events through dreams, meditation, moments of déjà vu and gut Instinct. Your individual increased perceptions will be small an insignificant at first and will be dismissed as coincidence or chance.

You may for example have a passing thought about an old friend, and that person will contact you. You may briefly think about a song from your past, and that song will play on the radio. You may experience an increased ability to associate particular smells with past events, and many will see a significant reoccurrence of the numbers11:11. As these events become increasingly more common and more relevant, you will come to realize their importance to coming events.

Some people believe that I along with many others are intentionally and deliberately trying to scare people with our web sites, books videos and messages of coming doom, and in many ways they may be right. Much like your local weather person who warns you of possible inclement storms, we are simply trying to inform you that this threat is very real and conditions are right for a global cataclysm that could redefine life, as we know it.

However harsh and unsavory you may find this information to be I am confident that the ends will most definitely justify the means and your survival and continuing existence may very well depend on it. You need to look no further then the television network and cable news or newspaper to realize that something very unusual and very unsettling is taking place all around the world. Our social and moral values are in decline. 

Our global system of socioeconomic stability is failing at an incredible rate. Our political systems have become increasingly more corrupt and self-serving, and people are suffering and dying in unimaginable ways. I encourage you to step back and look beyond your own personal problems and situations and realize that we exist not as individuals, but as a worldwide community who shares one single planet that is in chaos.

The world governments and religious elite are very well aware of what is coming and know that they can not and will not provide protection and support to everyone on the planet. They know we are facing an unimaginable global event that will surpass any and all disasters we have ever experienced. In preparation, bunkers and underground shelters are now being built and stocked with food, water and other survival supplies.

Seed banks are being constructed to insure future food availability and publicly financed individuals and organizations are taking the steps necessary to insure that they and a select group of people can and will survive this ordeal. In an attempt to maintain continuos artificial stability and reduce sure and total panic among the general population, entire governments and government-sponsored scientists will become the most adamant critics of the warnings.

Many will site Biblical scripture disputing what they do not understand and others will compare 2012 to more recent failed doomsday predictions such as Y2K; knowing full well that this is not a manmade computer glitch, but a real and predictable recurring act of nature. They will insistently deny, discount and discredit the warnings, and will dismiss them as bad science, conspiracy and malicious profiteering.

Despite the lack of official acknowledgment, many are now preparing themselves and their families for the coming disasters, and you may be wise to do the same. This personnel preparation is in large part being done under a vale of secrecy so as to detour those who refused to heed the warnings. You should prepare yourself mentally, physically and spiritually for the coming events, and take the steps necessary to insure your future survival.

You should concentrate your efforts on food, water, shelter and personal protection and prepare yourself for prolonged or permanent power outages and limited communication. You need to recognize that currency and traditional means of trade are now and will continue to loose their value, and that your ability to purchase necessary supplies will become limited. Most importantly, you need to enjoy the life you are now living, but prepare yourself for the worst, for the worst is yet to come.

Some scholars have estimated that as many as two thirds of the worlds population may perish as a direct or indirect result of the coming events of December 21 2012 and the thirteen-year tribulation leading up to that date. Our current level of technological advancement could be thrust back hundreds even thousands of years, and the ecological and environmental effects of these events will most definitely prove devastating to the way in which we currently live our lives. Survival will supersede comfort, fear will dominate the living and want, need and hope will dictate our daily existence.

As horrifying and unsettling as all this sounds, it could in many ways be perceived as a good thing for those who survive. December 21 2012 and the years leading up to that date will in many ways represent the storm before the calm, and will dramatically and violently usher in a new era of increased understanding and renewed enlightenment. This new beginning will be met with a new sense of peace and will more widely open our eyes to the true meaning of life.

We will enter this new age not only with a complete knowledge of where we have been, but with an increased understanding of where we are going and where we need to be in relationship to the basic truths that will once again redefine our existence. We will be forced by need and necessity to look beyond race and religious differences, greed, hate and social status, and our continuing survival will be rooted in our willingness to honor and respect ourselves, our neighbors, our environment and the powers that be.

No, our world and its population will not come to a complete and final end on December 21 2012. We will however be forced to reevaluate and redefine our lives and our association with our planet. Life will be hard but we can take comfort in knowing that Mother Nature will once again reign supreme in her ability to correct what we have so badly taken for granted.


Catatan dari Admin: 
Tulisan di atas BUKAN untuk dipercaya, tapi HANYA UNTUK dibaca!!!
Bagi umat muslim, percayalah HANYA kepada Allah SWT semata, bukan kepada ramalan siapapun!

Sumber Tulisan

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2012 News (Doomsday)

Mayan Prophecy Drives Surge in One-way Flight Searches
Believers in the supernatural are flocking to two small villages - Bugarach in the South of France and Sirince in Turkey - as the end of the Mayan Calendar nears

December 21, 2012: NASA Scientist Says 25 Million Americans Stockpiling Guns, Machetes for Doomsday
December 21, 2012 may or may not be doomsday but apparently at least 25 million people think that there won't be a Christmas this year because of the Mayan apocalypse.

Russia attempts to quell end-of-the-world panic
Last week, Russia’s government decided to put an end to the doomsday talk. Its minister of emergency situations said Friday that he had access to “methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth,” and that he could say with confidence that the world was not going to end in December

French officials ban access to sacred mountain which believers claim will be refuge from 'Mayan apocalypse on December 21'
Alarm of a Mayan-predicted doomsday on December 21 has led French police to ban access to a southwestern mountain from doomsday preppers, New Agers and even journalists.

Los Angeles survival groups brace for Dec. 21, 2012 and beyond
A Los Angeles-area survival group has actively recruited people with specific skills in the past few months, tying its disaster preparedness effort to Dec. 21.

2012 Something Is Going On!
There are so many thing going on around the world that you may not be aware of. The main stream media only tells you what they have to and downplays the rest to prevent mass panic.

Catatan dari Admin: 
Tulisan di atas BUKAN untuk dipercaya, tapi HANYA UNTUK dibaca!!!
Bagi umat muslim, percayalah HANYA kepada Allah SWT semata, bukan kepada ramalan siapapun!

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Rabu, Desember 19, 2012

Jakarta Onthel Beach Festival, 22-23 Desember 2012 

Indonesia merupakan rumah dari komunitas sepeda tua terbesar di dunia, di mana ia memiliki jutaan orang anggota yang menggemari sepeda tua. Pada bulan Mei lalu, KOSTI dan Bike 2 Work Indonesia, dua organisasi sepeda terbesar di Indonesia, untuk pertama kalinya menghadiri pertemuan tahunan penggemar sepeda tua dunia, IVCA (The International Veteran Cycle Association) Rally, di Gent Belgia. 

IVCA adalah sebuah asosiasi organisasi dan individu yang mewadahi para penggemar, kolektor, peneliti dan pemerhati sepeda tua di dunia. IVCA Rally 2012 sendiri dihadiri oleh 35 negara. Dengan menghadiri rally ini, Indonesia berhasil menjadikan peserta kehormatan dari asia untuk yang pertama dan juga bisa mempromosikan sebagai Negara yang memiliki penggiat sepeda tua dan klub sepeda tua terbesar di dunia.  

Yang menarik adalah bahwa sepeda tua yang dimiliki penggemar di Indonesia ini sebagian besar sebagai warisan dari para pemerintahan era colonial Belanda dan Inggris atau tentara kolonial dimasa lalu, dan beberapa lainnya berasal dari Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan Jerman.

Untuk alasan itu, Jakarta menjadi tuan rumah salah satu acara sepeda tua terbesar di Indonesia, yaitu:

Jakarta Onthel Beach Festival, yang akan diselenggarakan di Ancol pada tanggal 22-23 Desember 2012. 

Selain sebagai acara temu kumpulnya seluruh penggemar sepeda tua se-Indonesia, acara ini juga bertujuan mempromosikan sosio kultur Indonesia dalam berbagai cara, terutama dengan bersepeda tua. Juga agar dapat memperkuat kembali budaya masyarakat untuk bersepeda serta kegiatan peduli dan ramah lingkungan.

Acara yang baru ada pertama kali di Indonesia ini menyajikan beragam program menarik seperti di hari pertama, Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012 diadakan Rally Sepeda Onthel, Rally yang akan diikuti oleh peserta pribadi mengelilingi jalur rally yang ditentukan di kawasan Ancol. Di area Pasar Seni akan diadakan Olimpiade Onthelis, lomba-lomba antar onthelist (sebutan bagi penggemar sepeda tua) yang sangat unik, seperti lomba makan kerupuk jongkok, lomba kelereng sambil menuntun sepeda tua, lomba sepeda lambat, lomba balap karung sambil ngonthel dan lain-lain. 

Di lokasi pun di gelar Pasar Klithikan, bursa barang-barang onderdil sepeda tua dan barang-barang jadul terbesar se Indonesia yang diikuti oleh ratusan pedagang klithikhan dari berbagai daerah, kemudian ada juga Kontes Sepeda Tua dengan berbagai kategori, seperti kategori kontes sepeda gardan klasik, tandem klasik, sepeda lipat klasik, sepeda crossframe, sepeda transport/pos, sepeda anak-anak & remaja klassik serta kategori lainnya.

Menjelang senja hari, Acara akan secara resmi dibuka oleh Bapak Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo dan dihadiri oleh para duta besar negara sahabat. Sekaligus melepas peserta ‘Parade Senja Nusantara’ kompetisi nasional karnaval khusus sepeda tua, dengan peserta yang akan memakai kostum dan busana unik tradisional dan tematik. Acara ini juga akan dibarengi oleh penyerahan piala Abang None Cilik Jakarta 2012.

Di malam hari, peserta akan dimanjakan oleh aneka hiburan seperti Ondel-ondel, silat Jingkrik, sirkus perkusi, bigtown band, koba band dan ditutup dengan pementasan Wayang Onthel, satusatunya wayang yang peralatan musik dan tokoh pewayangannya terbuat dari onderdil sepeda.

Hari kedua, Minggu, 23 Desember 2012, seluruh peserta akan bersepeda bersama di pagi hari dan mengikuti acara bertajuk ‘Melatjak Djakarta’, uniknya acara ini bukan hanya mengajak bersepeda bersama, melainkan para peserta diajak untuk mengikuti teka-teki dan kuis yang berhubungan dengan icon Djakarta yang dilewatinya, seperti Kampung Bandan, Kawasan Kota Tua, Jembatan Kota Intan, Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa dan kawasan pesisir jakarta.

Acara ini merupakan kolaborasi antara KOSTI (Komunitas Sepeda Tua Indonesia) dengan Bike To Work Indonesia, yang didukung oleh PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol dan Pasar Seni Ancol.

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Down Sizing (Pengurangan Jumlah) PNS dalam Rekrutmen CPNS

Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Menpan RB) Azwar Abubakar menegaskan, kebijakan down sizing (pengurangan jumlah) PNS dalam rekrutmen CPNS akan tetap dilaksanakan. Meskipun pemerintah belum memutuskan, apakah moratorium CPNS yang akan berakhir 31 Desember 2012 akan dilanjutkan atau tidak pada 2013.

"Penerimaan pegawai berkisar antara 50 – 60 persen dari jumlah pegawai yang pensiun," ujar Azwar pada Rapat Koordinasi Penyerahan Penetapan Formasi Tenaga Honorer Kategori 1 (K1), di Jakarta, Rabu (19/12).

Azwar menekankan agar rekruitmen CPNS yang selama ini banyak diwarnai dengan KKN, segera ditinggalkan. Melalui analisa jabatan, sistem rekruitmen secara elektronik, testing dengan sistem elektronik merupakan langkha-langkah yang diharapkan bisa menghilangkan praktek-praktek KKN.

Dikatakan, selama ini para pelaku KKN seperti dininabobokan dengan iming-iming sejumlah uang yang diterimanya, tanpa berpikir bahwa semua itu telah merusak mental anak bangsa. Betapa tidak, anak-anak tidak percaya lagi dengan ujian, tidak percaya dengan testing.

Mereka berprinsip bahwa untuk jadi PNS bisa menitip kepada saudaranya. "Ini benar-benar telah merusak mental anak bangsa Indonesia. Ini harus kita akhiri," tandas Menteri.

Hal itu, ujarnya, bukan saja dalam penerimaan CPNS melalui jalur pelamar umum, tetapi juga jalur honorer, yang telah cukup lama menyandera manajemen kepegawaian di tanah air.

Adanya tenaga honorer tertinggal atau tercecer, merupakan bukti bahwa di balik semua itu sebenarnya telah terjadi praktek-praktek tidak terpuji, terutama KKN.
Ekses dari praktek KKN itu adalah banyaknya PNS yang kompetensinya rendah, yang dibutuhkan tidak ada, sementara yang ada tidak dibutuhkan.

Dalam hal ini, Menpan RB menekankan pentingnya pendidikan bagi pegawai yang sudah ada. "Saya minta kepada pemda untuk mengalokasikan anggaran untuk pendidikan pegawai, setidaknya 12 hari dalam setahun. Namun, pemda juga agar memangkas anggaran pegawai menjadi sekitar 40 persen dari APBD."

Dalam keterangan kepada wartawan di Media Center Kementerian PAN dan RB, Sekretaris Kementerian PAN dan RB Tasdik Kinanto bersama Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) Eko Soetrisno mengatakan, pihaknya secara resmi menyerahkan formasi untuk 49 ribu lebih tenaga honorer kategori 1 (K1). Formasi tersebut diberikan kepada 29 instansi pemerintah pusat dan 400 pemerintah daerah. untuk diangkat menjadi CPNS terhitung mulai tanggal (TMT) 1 Desember 2012.
Namun jumlah itu belum mencakup seluruh tenaga honorer, karena masih ada sekitar 21 ribu tenaga honorer K1 yang masih diverifikasi serta validasi oleh BKN dan BPKP. Mereka tersebar di 32 kabupaten/kota, serta 15 kabupaten/kota yang jumlah honorernya masing-masing lebih dari 500 orang.

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Siswa Terlibat Tawuran Diharapkan (Tetap) Mengikuti UN

Polisi menetapkan tujuh tersangka siswa SMA 70 dalam kasus tawuran pelajar dengan SMA 6 di Bulungan, Jakarta Selatan, beberapa waktu lalu. Dari tujuh orang itu, siswa berinisial FR menjadi tersangka utama dan ditahan, sedangkan enam lainnya hanya dikenakan wajib lapor.

Mengingat musim ujian nasional (UN) tahun ajaran 2012-2013 tinggal enam bulan lagi, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo (Jokowi) minta Dinas Pendidikan dan pihak sekolah SMA 70 memberi izin ketujuh siswa ikut ujian nasional (UN). Meskipun menurut prosedur siswa yang telah diserahkan ke orang tua dan harus dipindahkan sekolah lain.

"Saya sampaikan kepada kepala dinas dan sekolah, agar anak itu tetap biar ikut ujian di SMAN 70 karena waktunya udah mepet," kata Jokowi di Balai Kota DKI Jakarta, Rabu (19/12).

Menanggapi kasus tawuran pelajar di Jakarta, Jokowi menilai itu tanggungjawab guru. Karena tugas guru bukan hanya mengajarkan pelajaran tapi juga membentuk karakter pendidikan anak didik.

"Tugas guru itu kan tidak hanya ngajarin matematika, biologi, dan lain-lain, tapi juga memberikan pendidikan karakter anak, sopan santun, budi pekerti, dan lain-lain," jelasnya.

Jokowi tidak mau ambil pusing soal proses hukum kasus itu. Yang terpenting buatnya adalah anak-anak bisa lulus sekolah.

"Kalau yang tersangka itu kan wilayah hukum, kalau yang urusan kita bagaimana anak itu tetap bisa lulus. Tugas guru biar anak yang bandel jadi tidak bandel, yang karakternya tidak baik jadi baik," tegasnya.

Sekolah menolak

Dihubungi terpisah, Kepala Sekolah SMA 70 Saksono Liliek Susanto mengatakan siswa mana pun yang sudah dikembalikan sekolah asal ke orang tuanya, maka tidak bisa lagi mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar di tempat yang sama.

"Oh nggak bisa," tegas Lilik.

Lilik menjelaskan siswa yang dikembalikan ke orang tua adalah siswa yang telah mengantongi 150 poin pelanggaran. Dari ketujuh pengeroyok Alawy Yusianto Putra (16), siswa SMA 6, hanya dua orang yang masih berstatus murid SMA 70.

"Dinas pendidikan mengembalikan mereka pada orang tua, kemudian kita mencarikan sekolah lain, kecuali untuk tersangka FR yang ditahan. Nah kalau anak-anak itu nggak mau, itu bukan urusan kami lagi karena pemindahan itu sendiri tidak dipungut biaya," tegasnya.

Sekadar diketahui, untuk kelanjutan proses hukum kasus ini, berkas tersangka utama FR (17) segera dilimpahkan ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan. Berkas pembacok Alawy itu sudah P21 atau sudah lengkap.

"Berkas FR sudah P21, dalam proses pelimpahan ke pengadilan," ujar Kepala Seksi Pidana Umum, Kejari Jakarta Selatan Ardiyanto saat dihubungi, Selasa (18/12).

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Ratusan Ribu Dolar AS (USD) Ditemukan oleh Petugas TPA

Seorang pekerja di tempat pembuangan akhir sampah di Jepang menemukan uang dalam jumlah besar mencapai 119 ribu dolar AS dalam arus bubuk sampah, demikian keterangan polisi seperti yang dilansir AFP, Rabu (19/12).

"Ada sekitar seribu lembar 10 ribu yen yang keluar dari penghancuran sampah tanpa mengalami kerusakan," ujar juru bicara departemen kepolisian Asaminami di Hirhima, bagian barat Jepang.

Ia menambahkan selain itu ada 2.300 lembar lagi yang hancur akibat mesin sampah fasilitas kota yang memproses sampah-sampah padat, seperti matras dan lemari, yang tak mungkin diangkut oleh pengangkut sampah reguler.

Polisi mencurigai si pemilik uang tadi mungkin terlupa bahwa uang simpanannya berada di sana ketika mereka membuang perabot-perabotnya.

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Selasa, Desember 18, 2012

Find Someone on Facebook by Phone Number

Maybe you've come home with a phone number in your pocket, but you can't remember who gave it to you. Or maybe you're wondering who that mystery number is on your caller ID. If you're trying to find the person associated with the digits, Facebook may be able to help. Some Facebook users list their phone number on their profiles. If your contact is one of those people, then his profile will appear in a quick Facebook search. But if he doesn't list the number on his profile, he won't appear in your search results.

Step 1

Log in to your Facebook account. You will need to have an active account in order to search for any users.

Step 2

Type the phone number into the search field at the top of the Facebook homepage. Press "Enter" to begin the search.

Step 3

Scroll through the list of search results. If your friend has listed her phone number on her public Facebook profile, her name should appear in the search results. Facebook also uses the Bing search engine to search outside of Facebook for terms that it could not find definitive matches for. You may end up with a few false positive results from Bing. Only click on links that are actual Facebook profiles.

About the Author

Marie Cartwright began writing in 2010. Her work has appeared on various websites. Having worked previously in theater administration and Web design, Cartwright now works from her home in Northern California. She also maintains an events website geared toward the science and technology community. Cartwright studied performing arts at the University of San Francisco.

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Senin, Desember 17, 2012

Jorge Lorenzo Juara Dunia MotoGP 2012

Jorge Lorenzo dari tim Yamaha mengukuhkan kemenangan di arena balap MotoGP dengan titel juara dunia keduanya meski hanya berhasil finis nomor dua di Australia, Minggu (28/10).

Warga negara Spanyol ini mengantongi selisih nilai 43-poin yang tak mungkin lagi dikejar pesaing terdekatnya, Dani Pedrosa, menuju ajang balap terakhir di kampung halamannya di Valencia, Spanyol.

Juara pertama dalam sesi balap di sirkuit Pulau Phillip ini adalah pembalap tuan rumah Casey Stoner, yang telah membukukan kemenangan enam kali berturut-turut.

Rekan setim Stoner dari Repsol Honda, Dani Pedrosa, mengalami hari sial karena terpaksa mundur dari arena balap saat baru memasuki putaran kedua.

Lorenzo, yang pertama kali memenangi ajang MotoGP pada tahun 2010 ini, hanya perlu unggul tiga poin dari Pedrosa di arena sirkuit Pulau Phillip Island agar dapat menggondol gelar juara musim ini.
Stoner mundur

Akibatnya dia memilih bermain aman dan strategi ini terbukti manjur mengantarnya ke finis dan menggaet gelar juara dunia keduanya.

Sementara itu bersamaan dengan kemenangan ke-38 sepanjang karirnya di balap MotoGP, pembalap Casey Stoner menyatakan mundur dari arena adu cepat sepeda motor.

Stoner yang baru berusia 27 tahun ini merasa kondisinya tidak lagi memungkinkan untuk melanjutkan balapan setelah beberapa kali dihantam cedera.

Dia sempat didera cidera dan belum lama kembali dari ruang operasi akibat otot ligamen yang robek serta engkel yang retak akibat tabrakan dalam sesi kualifikasi balap MotoGP di Sirkuit Indianapolis, AS pertengahan Agustus lalu.

Stoner musim ini tampil tidak mengecewakan, kemenangannya di Austrlaia telah mampu membawanya berada di posisi ketiga klasemen MotoGP tahun 2012.

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Jorge Lorenzo – 2012 MotoGP™ World Champion

Jorge Lorenzo’s journey to his two MotoGP™ premier class titles began at the age of three when he entered in minicross competitions in his native Mallorca, followed by junior motocross and a 50cc Copa Aprilia title in the Spanish Championship – an entry he was only granted with special permission. Lorenzo subsequently became the youngest ever rider to enter a World Championship race. Turning fifteen – the minimum age for Grand Prix participation back then - on the second day of practice for the 2002 Spanish race at Jerez, he made his debut on board a Derbi 125cc at a track where he would enjoy much success over the next few years.

In just his second season he took his first Grand Prix victory at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, where his impressive "round the outside" overtaking manoeuvre on Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa won him the nickname "Por Fuera". In 2004 he sealed a further three triumphs, before making the move up to the 250cc category a year later and taking four poles and six podiums in his maiden season. 2006 was to be the coming-of-age year for the Mallorcan, who switched to Aprilia machinery and immediately became the favourite for the World Championship. He justified the hype with an impressive eight victories, equalling the pole position record in the process with ten, and lifting the title in an emotional final race of the year at Valencia.

Another dominant year in 2007 saw Lorenzo retaining the quarter-litre title, with all nine of his victories coming from pole. At just twenty years old, he was a two-time 250cc World Champion and took on his biggest challenge to date by signing for the Yamaha factory team in MotoGP alongside Valentino Rossi. Lorenzo made an immediate impact in the premier class with a stunning first five races. He took pole on his debut - becoming the first man to do so since Max Biaggi ten years previously - and finished second in an astounding performance in Qatar. He followed up the feat with pole at the next two races, becoming the first rider to go ‘three from three’ in his rookie season and turning both top spots into podium finishes.

Unfortunately his debut MotoGP season in 2008 was also marred by a few big crashes and injuries, including two broken ankles in China that eventually forced the debutant out of action for his home race in Catalunya. However he regained his fitness and confidence in the latter part of the season, and picked up the pace to finish fourth overall and become Rookie of the Year. Lorenzo went from strength to strength in 2009, pushing his then colleague and fierce rival Rossi all the way for the title. Their battle at Catalunya was a season highlight, and Lorenzo picked up four wins as part of a 12-podium haul for the year, with five pole positions as well. Ultimately he was unable to wrest the title from Rossi’s grip, but his challenge was becoming ever stronger.

2010 saw Lorenzo’s star rise even further, and he was finally able to shake off the ‘inconsistent’ tag by scoring podium finishes in the first twelve races of the season, winning seven of them in the process. He took pole on six occasions that season, and qualified on the front row of the grid for every race except one. Still aged just 23, he become only the second World Champion from Spain in the premier class after Alex Crivillé. 2011 saw the Mallorcan face a new foe in the form of a rejuvenated Casey Stoner on board his Repsol Honda, which proved to be a near unbeatable combination. Yet despite a Yamaha that looked to be lacking in power, he fought his way to three wins and ten podiums, and managed to finish the season in second, despite missing the final three races due to a bad finger injury.

With the switch to 1000cc at the start of 2012 Lorenzo and his Yamaha made a terrific start by winning the opening round in Qatar after a hard fought battle with the Repsol Hondas. From that point on the Spaniard went on to take five further wins and ten second-places, only once failing to finish a race after being taken out by Álvaro Bautista in Assen. The race at Phillip Island proved a dramatic one as his main rival Dani Pedrosa crashed out early on, with Lorenzo needing only a three-point finish or more to clinch the title. He however didn’t hold back and climbed on the podium once more to take his second premier-class title.

Jorge Lorenzo facts:
Lorenzo is the first Spanish rider to win the premier-class world title more than once.

He has finished either first or second at every race that he has finished during 2012.  The only occasion this year when he has failed to finish either first or second was when he was knocked off by Álvaro Bautista at the first corner of the Dutch TT.

Throughout the 2012 season only two riders have finished in front of Lorenzo – Dani Pedrosa and Casey Stoner.

He becomes just the third rider in the 64-year history of Grand Prix racing to win more than a single world title in both the intermediate-class and premier-class of Grand Prix racing.  The only other riders to have achieved this are Mike Hailwood and Phil Read.

Birth date: 04/05/1987
Birth place: Palma de Mallorca
First Grand Prix: SPA – 2002 – 125cc
First Pole Position: MAL – 2003 – 125cc
First Podium: RIO – 2003 – 125cc
First GP Victory: RIO – 2003 – 125cc
Grand Prix Starts: 178
Grand Prix Victories: 44
Podiums: 98
Pole Positions: 51
Race Fastest Lap: 23
World Championship Wins: 2 x 250cc, 2 x MotoGP

MotoGP Career:
2002: 125cc World Championship – 21st position on Derbi, 14 starts, 21 points
2003: 125cc World Championship – 12th position on Derbi, 16 starts, 79 points
2004: 125cc World Championship – 4th position on Derbi, 16 starts, 179 points
2005: 250cc World Championship – 5th position on Honda, 15 starts, 167 points
2006: 250cc World Championship – 1st position on Aprilia, 16 starts, 289 points
2007: 250cc World Championship – 1st position on Aprilia, 17 starts, 312 points
2008: MotoGP World Championship – 4th position on Yamaha, 17 starts, 190 points
2009: MotoGP World Championship – 2nd position on Yamaha, 17 starts, 261 points
2010: MotoGP World Championship – 1st position on Yamaha, 18 starts, 383 points
2011: MotoGP World Championship – 2nd position on Yamaha, 15 starts, 260 points
2012: MotoGP World Championship – 1st position on Yamaha, 17 starts, 350 points
For full details check out Jorge Lorenzo’s profile on

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Pemain-pemain Muslim di Newcastle United

Jika dalam berbagai pemberitaan dinyatakan bahwa Newcastle United hanya memiliki empat pemain Muslim, yaitu Cheick Tiote, Demba Ba, Hatem Ben Arfa, dan Papiss Cisse, ternyata, menurut Alan Pardew, The Magpies memiliki delapan pemain Muslim.

Hal itu dikemukakan Pardew dalam sebuah artikel yang dipublikasikan di Daily Mail, Sabtu (3/11). Pardew tidak menjelaskan siapa saja nama empat pemain Muslim lainnya karena bisa jadi empat pemain tersebut adalah anggota tim cadangan (reserves) atau bagian dari akademi muda Newcastle.

Pardew sangat terkesan dengan kedisiplinan pemain Muslim yang bersumber dari agama yang dianut mereka. Menurut dia, delapan pemain Muslim itu menjadi bagian penting dari klub.

Pelatih berusia 51 tahun itu menilai, kelompok pemain Muslim itu tidak hanya fokus pada karier, namun juga peduli tentang bagaimana mereka hidup, makan, tidur, dan bertingkah laku. Beberapa pemain Muslim tidak secara terbuka menunjukkan identitas keagamaannya. Salah satu pemain yang dinilai Pardew taat menjalankan ibadah agamanya adalah striker andalannya adalah Demba Ba. "Mungkin lebih dari yang lain dan saya menghormati itu," kata mantan arsitek West Ham itu.

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