
Selasa, November 27, 2012

Online Anti Virus Scanner (Malware, Trojans, Backdoor, etc.)

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Bitdefender Online Scanner is a free virus scanner powered by the award-winning Bitdefender scanning engines. Scan your PC for the latest viruses!

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Scan your system for trojans using this free online trojan scanner. Anti trojan software will allow you to scan and stop trojans from entering your network. A trojan ...
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Senin, November 26, 2012

Sejarah Singkat Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI)

Semangat kebangsaan Indonesia telah lama tumbuh di kalangan guru-guru bangsa Indonesia. Organisasi perjuangan guru-guru pribumi pada zaman Belanda berdiri pada tahun 1912 dengan nama Persatuan Guru Hindia Belanda (PGHB).

Organisasi ini bersifat unitaristik yang anggotanya terdiri dari para Guru Bantu, Guru Desa, Kepala Sekolah, dan Penilik Sekolah.  Dengan latar pendidikan yang berbeda-beda mereka umumnya bertugas di Sekolah Desa dan Sekolah Rakyat Angka Dua.

Tidak mudah bagi PGHB memperjuangkan nasib para anggotanya yang memiliki pangkat, status sosial dan latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda. Sejalan dengan keadaan itu maka di samping PGHB berkembang pula organisasi guru baru antara lain Persatuan Guru Bantu (PGB), Perserikatan Guru Desa (PGD), Persatuan Guru Ambachtsschool (PGAS), Perserikatan Normaalschool (PNS), Hogere Kweekschool Bond (HKSB), disamping organisasi guru yang bercorak keagamaan, kebangsaan  atau lainnya seperti Christelijke Onderwijs Vereneging (COV), Katolieke Onderwijsbond (KOB), Vereneging Van Muloleerkrachten (VVM), dan Nederlands Indische Onderwijs Genootschap (NIOG) yang beranggotakan semua guru tanpa membedakan golongan agama.

Kesadaran kebangsaan dan semangat perjuangan yang sejak lama tumbuh,  mendorong para guru pribumi memperjuangkan persamaan hak dan posisi dengan pihak  Belanda. Hasilnya antara lain adalah Kepala HIS yang dulu selalu dijabat oleh orang Belanda, satu per satu pindah ke tangan orang Indonesia. Semangat perjuangan ini makin berkobar dan memuncak pada kesadaran dan cita-cita kemerdekaan. Perjuangan guru tidak lagi perjuangan perbaikan nasib, tidak lagi perjuangan  kesamaan hak dan posisi dengan Belanda, tetapi telah memuncak menjadi perjuangan nasional dengan teriak “merdeka”.

Pada tahun 1932 nama Persatuan Guru Hindia Belanda (PGHB) diubah menjadi Persatuan Guru Indonesia (PGI). Perubahan nama ini mengejutkan pemerintah Belanda, karena kata “Indonesia” yang mencerminkan semangat kebangsaan sangat tidak disenangi oleh Belanda. Sebaliknya kata “Indonesia” ini sangat didambakan oleh guru dan bangsa Indonesia. 

Pada zaman pendudukan Jepang segala organisasi dilarang, sekolah ditutup, Persatuan Guru Indonesia (PGI) tidak dapat lagi melakukan aktivitas.

Semangat proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 menjiwai penyelenggaraan Kongres Guru Indonesia pada tanggal 24-25 November 1945 di Surakarta. Melalui kongres ini segala organisasi dan kelompok guru yang didasarkan atas perbedaan tamatan, lingkungan pekerjaan, lingkungan daerah, politik, agama dan suku, sepakat dihapuskan. Mereka adalah --guru-guru yang aktif mengajar, pensiunan guru yang aktif berjuang, dan pegawai pendidikan Republik Indonesia yang baru dibentuk. Mereka bersatu untuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Di dalam kongres inilah, pada tanggal 25 November 1945 --seratus hari setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia--  Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) didirikan.

Dengan semangat pekik “merdeka” yang bertalu-talu, di tengah bau mesiu pemboman oleh tentara Inggris atas studio RRI Surakarta, mereka serentak bersatu untuk mengisi kemerdekaan dengan tiga tujuan :

1.      Mempertahankan dan menyempurnakan Republik Indonesia.

2.      Mempertinggi tingkat pendidikan dan pengajaran sesuai dengan dasar-dasar kerakyatan.

3.      Membela hak dan nasib buruh umumnya,  guru pada khususnya. 

Sejak Kongres Guru Indonesia itu, semua guru Indonesia menyatakan dirinya bersatu di dalam wadah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI).

Jiwa pengabdian, tekad perjuangan, dan semangat persatuan dan kesatuan PGRI yang dimiliki secara historis terus dipupuk  dalam mempertahankan dan mengisi kemerdekaan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Dalam rona dan dinamika politik yang sangat dinamis, Persatuan  Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) tetap setia dalam pengabdiannya sebagai organisasi perjuangan, organisasi profesi, dan organisasi ketenagakerjaan, yang bersifat unitaristik, dan independen.

Untuk itulah , sebagai penghormatan  kepada guru, pemerintah Republik Indonesia dengan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 78 Tahun 1994, menetapkan hari lahir PGRI tanggal 25 November sebagai Hari Guru Nasional , dan diperingati setiap tahun.

Semoga PGRI, guru dan bangsa Indonesia tetap jaya dalam wadah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Jakarta, 25 November 2004

Pengurus Besar

Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia


*_ Disadur  dari  buku  “PERJALANAN PGRI (1945 – 2003)”  Menyongsong Kongres XIX  PGRI  di  Semarang,  8 –

    12 Juli 2003,  diterbitkan  oleh  Pengurus Besar PGRI bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Tenaga Kependidikan Ditjen  

    Dikdasmen, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI, 2003.

 _ Disiapkan untuk dibacakan pada upacara Hari Ulang Tahun PGRI/Hari Guru Nasional, tanggal 25 November.

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Minggu, November 25, 2012

The "Ultima" Tower, Two-mile High Sky City

Any Densely Populated Urban Environment

Project Owner: None
Location: Any densely populated urban environment
Date: 1991
Cost: $150,000,000,000.00
Population: 1,000,000 people
Exterior surface area of building: 150,000,000 square feet
Enclosed volume: 53,000,000,000 cubic feet
Square footage: 1,500,000,000
Total enclosed acreage: 39,000 acres
Elevator speed: 20 feet per second (13 miles per hour) 9 minutes and 40 seconds to reach the top floor from the ground floor.
Dimensions: Height--10,560 feet; Diameter at the base--6000 feet; Number of stories--500;
Total Square Feet: Approximately 5,000,000 square feet 

Why build a two-mile high, one mile wide building? 

To prevent the uncontrolled blight of the natural landscape by rapacious developers and industry. At current rates the surface of the planet will be nearly totally covered with residential, commercial and apartment dwellings within the coming century. Large structures such as these bring nature upward to preserve the natural surroundings and to add natural surroundings in a controlled environment. 

This two-mile high, trumpet bell-shaped, tension structure is the most stable and aerodynamic shape ever conceived for a tall structure. Its upper level wall thicknesses are the same as the lower level wall thicknesses unlike other structural systems that are extremely tall. It is like a suspension cable bridge stood on end. There are 120 levels to the structure with great heights at each level. 

The scale of this stucture is such that the entire central district of Beijing could fit into its base. One must not think in terms of floors but, instead, imagine entire landscaped neighborhood districts with "skies" that are 30 to 50 meters high. Lakes, streams, rivers, hills and ravines comprise the soil landscape on which residential, office, commercial, retail and entertainment buildings can be built.

The Concept

The concept can be thought of as what would happen if nature grew upwards with multi-soil levels. Of course the structure itself acts like a living organism with its wind and atmospheric energy conversion systems, photovoltaic exterior sheathing, and opening/closing cowl-vent windows that allow natural air into the interior without mechanical intervention. The exterior walls are made of structural glass that conforms to the cris-crossing, double helix, cable strand tension system that disperses all exterior forces along the surface. 

If wind or earthquake shock waves pushes or disturbs one portion of the structure the other portion absorbs and dissipates the forces. Ecological efficiency is a rule and all areas of the structure feature resource conserving technolgy such as recycled building materials, compost toilets, nature-based water cleansing systems for all buildings, plentiful amounts of forrest, plant life and water-based ecosystems.

In essence, Ultima Tower/Sky City is more an ecosystems design than an architectural habitation design. The structure provides a basis for architectural development upon which architectural diversity can flourish. Sunlight is brought into the center of the structure by means of a hollow, mirrored core that reflects sunlight and disperses it within the structure. This allows for both interior and exterior sunlight to exist in plentiful amounts. 

The Large Lake

The tower sits in a natural setting in a large lake. The lake water is drawn up throughout the structure and used for cooling floors and walls. A portion of this water is heated by large passive solar panels and left to fall by gravity to be used at the various levels. No internal combustion engines or toxic pollutants exist within the confines of the structure. Everything is hydrogen gas, electrical or water powered and all heating cooling is regulated by plants and trees.

Construction Materials: High-strength steel, high-strength concrete, stainless steel, anodized aluminum, acrylic, patina copper, stainless steel cable, self-shading glass, composite ceramics, tempered glass.

Special Features: Atmospheric Thermal Energy Conversion power supplies, built-in windmills, photovoltaic solar cells, hydrogen gas power supplies, self-regulating/self-shading glass, twelve storey-vertical high-speed train system, non-mechanical heating/ventilation and air conditioning system, ground level waterfalls for air cooling and humidity control, aerodynamic cowl window systems, open garden areas on each floor.

Ecological Requirements: To preserve the natural beauty of nature by condensing the areas of living, working environments, commerce and industry into an upwardly directed architectural structure. Multi-storied gardens are to be infused with architectural components. The presence of natural sunlight, fresh air, breeze and panoramic views are to be of primary importance. Ease and quickness of transportation vertically and laterally is crucial. The building must be fireproof, waterproof, able to resist great wind velocities and be extremely earthquake resistant. Wherever possible reduce energy use. Avoid utility costs and the use of mechanical heating and air conditioning.

General Description of Project: While engaged in a contracted study of the San Francisco Bay, its population growth, infrastructure, park areas, transportation corridors, etc., We saw at once the need for preserving what little natural park-like areas there were in such a densely composed area like the San Francisco Bay. Transportation was daily growing further and further beyond its capacity. The expansion of urban neighborhoods in and around cities was blighting the earth with more monotony and ugliness. The earth was being eaten up by the continuous disseminating reach of developers. The outward swelling of developing neighborhoods, industrial "parks", of refineries, factories and commercial "strips" all contributed to an offensive countenance of the area.

Natural Environment

This increasing dilation of people and property is devastating to the well-being of our environment and we are supplanting the health of our natural environment for the superficial mediocrity of our built environment. The continuation of this process will inevitably lead to a kind of psychological and spiritual suffocation by destroying the living environment at an alarming rate.

Seeing that urban sprawl shall surely destroy every semblance of our living environment a viable alternative is to go up. That is, to build in such a way as to minimize the "footprint" of our human-made environments and maximize the sense of openness and close proximity to our natural surroundings. Given the technology and know-how we now have in the construction of large,tall structures a building two miles high is not beyond our means.

The Trumpet Bell Shape

Modeled after the highest structure created by a creature other than human, the termite's nest structures of Africa, is a most efficient form for its compressive characteristics allow the thickness of the upper supporting walls to be uniform in thickness down through the bottom of the building. No other shape can dispel loads from top to bottom, is effectively aerodynamic and retains such stability in a tall building. 

The size of its base would completely enclose the entire financial district of San Francisco, approximately 7000 feet across, and contains four of the world's largest waterfalls surrounded by garden terraces. Gardens are situated at all exterior and interior openings. The whole tower could be thought of as an upward extension of the earth with layers of vegetation growing, level by level. All residences have a minimum of 100 feet by 100 feet of property where 50% of the property is covered by natural vegetation.

Large bodies of water are placed at twelve separate levels and serve multiple functions; as fire barriers and fire sprinkler system reservoirs, as recycled water catch basins, as recreational lakes, rivers, waterfalls and streams. Whenever possible whole ecosystems are supported within the building. The building is thought of as a living organism in itself capable of sustaining multitudinal life at many scales. 

Human beings are an indivisible of this larger life system and are nourished by the presence of other life forms. In this way the best attributes and experiences of nature are brought together to mutually benefit one another physiologically, emotionally and spiritually--a home and work environment unlike any other that has existed in the world.

The building is set in the middle of a lake where the lake acts as a reservoir for fresh water to cool the building. The periphery of the building contains 144 elevators with a vertically stacked train system that stops at 30 floors simultaneously. Vertical propulsion is through compressed air. A new concept in electrical power, Atmospheric Energy Conversion, will be tried. This system utilizes the differences in atmospheric pressure, from the base of the building to it's top, and converts this differential to electrical power. 


Cooling is based on the African termite nest model where the bottom spaces are cooled with water, in this case waterfalls, the cool air rises and is warmed by bodily activity in the upper floors and exits through different levels of the building. Simultaneously all floors have specially designed windows with aerodynamic wind cowls, so that windows can be opened without having to resist tremendous wind forces. These cowls direct air throughout the interior spaces and act as natural air-conditioners.

A series of reflecting mirrors bring direct sunlight into the interior of the building, so that yards and garden areas are exposed to the sun without the danger of high wind velocities. Tsui Design and Research, Inc., is working on a system of water movement from the base to the top of the building, which is based upon the principle of transpiration and cohesion(as found in tall trees) by producing water pressure at the lower levels. 

By creating water potential, that is, when a wet and a dry place are joined by a tube of water, the water flows towards the dry area, water can be directed upwards over great distances. The challenge of a very tall building is the transportation of materials from the bottom to top and the maintenance of even levels of temperature, humidity and air pressure. The tree, being nature's tallest example of a living organism, provides the working model for a tall building.

Photovoltaic Solar Cells

The immense surface area of the building, sheathed with photovoltaic solar cells, provides most of the electrical energy requirements. This power source combined with Atmospheric Energy Conversion and windmill power supplies more than enough power to fulfill the energy requirements of the building. All windows in the building are operable so there is no pressurized, forced-air system used internally. 

Manually operated windows makes temperature control simple and easy to manipulate. All spaces would have a healthy feeling of cross-circulation and the higher floors have more thinner air than the lower floors--just as it is naturally. Persons who wish to work and live in a higher sea level environment can now do so within the building.

The south-facing side of the building has a strong emphasis on open garden balconies and expansive park areas. At the forest levels biological technology plants use sunlight to break down human waste and compost for recycling back into the soil. The building is like a great expanse of natural land turned upward with ten large forest, lake and stream sanctuaries brought up into the sky.

The tower is surrounded on all sides by a lake. Sandy beaches, stone cliffs, water inlets, grass, trees and rocky islands create a beautiful and majestic setting. Two six-lane bridges carry vehicles to the underground parking with its 20 levels of parking. No internal combustion vehicles can operate on the immediate site of the building. Only electric cars, propane and hydrogen gas vehicles and bicycles can be used by its one million inhabitants. A large marina surrounds the building on the east and west sides. 

Residential Neighborhood

Pedestrian walkways and running/bicycling paths abound through hills and dales, grassy knolls, forests and fields. Beaches are easily accessible from any area and small pedestrian bridgeways connect the main building island with smaller islands and the mainland. Persons can hike 11/2 to 2 miles from the building to the mainland. A four-lane roadway surrounds the lake making spectacular opportunities to view the building from the lake's edge.

All residential neighborhoods are located at the outer and inner edge of the building closest to views panoramic views and/or sunlight. The square footage between the neighborhood zones are reserved for retail or commercial use depending upon location. Internal taxi cab vehicles carry persons from one end of a floor to the other end at the larger diameter lower floor levels. Taxi drivers would be paid by the home and business owners association so that drivers are residents of the building who earn a livelihood from working there.

The shape of the building makes it virtually impossible to be uprooted or structurally disturbed by any kind of calamity. The buildings structure can be thought of as a giant stainless steel net stretched and anchored over a central high-strength concrete hollow core with a double helix configuration. Thus the entire building is in constant tension able to produce an equilibrium of stress and strain forces coming from any direction. Even in a tornado or hurricane the building cannot buckle or become dislodged because of its inherent strength and ability to dissipate pushing and pulling forces. 

Add to this its superior aerodynamic qualities of wind deflection(compound surfaces in two planes) and you are presented with a building that, for its weight and size, is virtually indestructible. Using this tension cable system the size of the cables and surface sheathing can remain constant--unlike a typical tall building where the ground level thickness of the walls must be big and heavy.

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World's Tallest Skyscraper to Be Built in 210 Days Instead of 90 as Originally Planned

Earlier this year, Chinese Company Broad Sustainable Building (BSB), announced plans to build the world’s tallest skyscraper in an unbelievable 90 days. Now the build time for the 838-meter-tall tower has been pushed back to more reasonable (if still incredibly speedy) 210 days. Sky City is set to shatter the current record for loftiest building held by the 828-meter-tall Burj Khalifa in downtown Dubai.

At a proposed height of 220 stories tall, Sky City is set to become the world’s tallest building. Construction is set to begin by November of this year in the Chinese city of Changsha in the province of Hunan, and the project was originally estimated to take only 90 days to complete. However, developer Broad Sustainable Building has now extended the deadline to March of 2013. Even at this pace, Sky City would set a record completion time 9 times faster than the Burj Khalifa, the globe’s current record holder. It will also cost a “mere” $628 million in contrast to Burj Khalifa’s $1.5 billion price tag.

Sky City is designed to provide housing for over 100,000 people while incorporating retail and leisure facilities. The building will total a whopping 1,000,000 square meters of usable space across 220 floors. 104 separate elevators will transport residents up and down the soon-to-be wonder of the world. The structure is designed to be earthquake resistant, and its 15-cm-thick walls are heavily insulated for energy efficiency.

While competitors such as Gensler, who designed the Shanghai Tower, have shown skepticism over BSB’s timetable, the company is certain they can complete the enormous undertaking. If they experience no more delays, Sky City will still be on track to become one of the largest and least expensive skyscrapers in modern times.


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Sky City: China Plans to Construct World's Tallest Building in 90 Days

Sky City will soon replace the Burj Khalifa as the world's tallest building, as China plans to one-up Dubai's structure in just 90 days, Business Insider reported.

The tower will be 220 stories and 383 feet high — a mere 10 meters higher than the Burj — and boast a capacity of 70,000 to 120,000 people, according to Next Big Future.

Chinese construction company Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) will construct the residential, commercial and retail space in Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan Province, Wired reported.

BSB has plenty of experience with speedy building projects: they have built three-story building in nine days and a 30-story hotel in just 15 days, both in Changsha, according to Business Insider.

More from GlobalPost: Tokyo Skytree, world's tallest tower, opens to public in Japan

The building will include a hotel, school, hospital, offices, shops, and restaurants, which will be accessible via 104 elevators, Forbes reported.

BSB plans to use prefabricated materials built at its' factory over around four months, which will then be assembled in two months on site, according to Business Insider.

For some points of comparison, New York's Empire State Building took 410 days to build from start to finish, and the Burj Khalifa took six years days between construction beginning in 2004 and its opening in January 2010. Sky City is set to open in January 2013.

The structure will cost four billion Yuan, or about $628 million, according to Forbes. Dubai’s Burj Khalifa cost an estimated $1.5 billion.

More from GlobalPost: One World Trade Center: New York's tallest building? (PHOTOS)

However, some are skeptical about the building's integrity.

"So far, Sky City does not look like a winner," wrote Forbes' China correspondent Gordon Chang. "Broad originally planned a 666-meter skyscraper, but the local government wanted the world’s tallest. That’s a dead giveaway politics are distorting the economics of the project."

BSB signed an agreement last week with local district authorities in Changsha, Inhabitat reported, but it is still awaiting approval from the central government.


Sky City akan segera menggantikan Burj Khalifa sebagai gedung tertinggi di dunia, seiring dengan rencana Tiongkok untuk menambah struktur Dubai hanya dalam 90 hari, Business Insider melaporkan.

Menara ini akan setinggi 220 lantai dan tinggi 383 kaki – hanya 10 meter lebih tinggi dari Burj – dan memiliki kapasitas 70.000 hingga 120.000 orang, menurut Next Big Future.
Perusahaan konstruksi Tiongkok Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) akan membangun ruang perumahan, komersial dan ritel di Changsha, ibu kota provinsi Provinsi Hunan, Wired melaporkan.

BSB memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam proyek pembangunan cepat: mereka telah membangun gedung tiga lantai dalam sembilan hari dan hotel 30 lantai hanya dalam 15 hari, keduanya di Changsha, menurut Business Insider.

Lebih lanjut dari GlobalPost: Tokyo Skytree, menara tertinggi di dunia, dibuka untuk umum di Jepang

Bangunan tersebut akan mencakup hotel, sekolah, rumah sakit, perkantoran, toko, dan restoran, yang dapat diakses melalui 104 lift, Forbes melaporkan.

BSB berencana menggunakan material prefabrikasi yang dibangun di pabriknya selama sekitar empat bulan, yang kemudian akan dirakit dalam dua bulan di lokasi, menurut Business Insider.

Sebagai perbandingan, pembangunan Empire State Building di New York memakan waktu 410 hari dari awal hingga selesai, dan Burj Khalifa membutuhkan waktu enam tahun hari antara pembangunan yang dimulai pada tahun 2004 dan pembukaannya pada bulan Januari 2010. Sky City akan dibuka pada bulan Januari 2013. .

Strukturnya akan menelan biaya empat miliar Yuan, atau sekitar $628 juta, menurut Forbes. Burj Khalifa di Dubai menelan biaya sekitar $1,5 miliar.

Lebih lanjut dari GlobalPost: One World Trade Center: gedung tertinggi di New York? (FOTO)

Namun, ada pula yang skeptis terhadap integritas bangunan tersebut.

“Sejauh ini, Sky City belum tampak seperti pemenang,” tulis koresponden Forbes di Tiongkok, Gordon Chang. "Broad awalnya berencana membangun gedung pencakar langit setinggi 666 meter, namun pemerintah daerah menginginkan gedung tertinggi di dunia. Ini adalah sebuah kebijakan yang tidak bisa dihindarkan dan mendistorsi keekonomian proyek tersebut."

BSB menandatangani perjanjian minggu lalu dengan pemerintah distrik setempat di Changsha, lapor Inhabitat, namun masih menunggu persetujuan dari pemerintah pusat.

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Sky City One in China: 104 Elevators, Living Space for 174,000

The secret to building the world’s tallest building in only 90 days, at much less cost of its nearest rival building? Prefabrication.

Broad Group, a construction company in China, has announced it will built the world’s tallest skyscraper in just 90 days. Plus, says Broad Group, its building will be much cheaper to build than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) which is currently the world’s tallest manmade structure at 830 meters (2,723 feet). Broad Group’s Sky City One – which will be located in the city of Changsha, Hunan in south-central China – will be 838 meters tall. In contrast to the Burj Khalifa, which cost $450 per square foot to build, Sky City One will cost $63 per square foot.

It's tall alright. Assuming approval by the Chinese government is forthcoming, Sky City One will be the tallest building in the world when it's completed. Image Credit: Broad Group

Broad Group’s secret? Prefabrication. About 95 percent of Sky City One will be put together in modular form before work commences on site.

Given government approval (which is still pending), Sky City One could be completed as early as January 2013, according to Broad Group, after 90 days of assembly. When completed, Sky City One will have living space for 174,000 people on 220 floors – 1 million square meters (11 million square feet) of floor space – with 104 elevators.

The projected cost for Sky City One is $628 million (US). That’s in contrast to the Burj Khalifa, whose total cost was about $1.5 billion (US). And all in one-twentieth of the time that the Burj Khalifa took to build, according to Broad Group.

But the Burj Khalifa in Dubai has Sky City One beat in one way. It was featured in the movie “Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.” Remember that really tall building? Yep. That was it.

Bottom line: A Chinese construction company called Broad Group says it will built the world’s tallest skyscraper in just 90 days – for much less cost – the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, currently the world’s tallest manmade structure. The builders will accomplish this using prefabrication, building modules on the ground before assembly of the skyscraper begins.

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Cina Mampu Bangun Gedung 220 Tingkat dalam 90 Hari?

Sebuah perusahaan konstruksi Cina bersikeras mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan dapat membangun gedung pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia hanya dalam beberapa minggu.


Perusahaan Broad Sustainable Building mengatakan kepada majalah Construction Week, pihaknya yakin dapat menyelesaikan Sky City, gedung yang direncanakan akan memiliki 220 tingkat tersebut, hanya dalam 90 hari.

Perusahaan itu mengatakan akan menyelesaikan bangunan setinggi 838 meter di kota Changsha dengan kecepatan menakjubkan, sebanyak lima tingkat per hari, dengan menggunakan metode khusus yang menyatukan bagian-bagian bangunan yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya.

Para pejabat mengatakan konstruksi bangunan diperkirakan akan dimulai akhir tahun ini, namun mereka masih menantikan persetujuan pemerintah Cina atas proyek tersebut. Gedung itu nantinya akan didiami lebih dari 31.000 orang, termasuk sekolah, rumah sakit, kantor-kantor dan bisnis lainnya.

Gedung tersebut dirancang oleh para insinyur yang merancang Burj Khalifa di Dubai, dengan ketinggian 828 meter, yang saat ini merupakan gedung tertinggi di dunia.
Broad Sustainable Building mulai dikenal pada akhir tahun 2011, saat perusahaan itu membangun sebuah gedung 30 tingkat hanya dalam waktu 15 hari dengan menggunakan teknologi yang sama.

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China Bangun Menara Tertinggi di Dunia Selama 90 Hari

Menara tersebut bakal berdiri di kawasan Chansha, wilayah Provinsi Hunan, China.

Sebuah perusahaan konstruksi asal negeri China, telah merilis rencananya untuk membangun sebuah menara atau bangunan tertinggi di dunia hanya dalam kurun waktu 90 hari.

Ilustrasi Menara Tertinggi di Dunia yang akan berdiri di China

Pihak Broad Construction menyatakan, bangunan tertinggi itu rencananya bakal mempunyai 220 lantai, yang nantinya akan mencakup sebuah sekolah, rumah sakit, 17 helipad dan apartemen yang dapat menampung sekitar 30.000 orang.

Bangunan menara yang dijuluki Sky City ini, akan dikembangkan di kawasan Chansha, wilayah Provinsi Hunan, China.

Pihak pengembang menara ini rencananya akan membangun lima lantai dalam satu hari, dengan menggunakan komponen bangunan yang dirakit bersamaan (prepabrikasi) seperti potongan-potongan Lego.

Sampai saat ini, pihak Broad Construction sendiri mengklaim bahwa mereka telah sukses dalam membangun sekitar 17 gedung bertingkat di sejumlah wilayah daratan China.

Hebatnya, untuk membangun sebuah hotel dengan ketinggian 15 lantai, mereka hanya memerlukan waktu dua hari saja.

Pihak perusahaan sendiri menyatakan, konsep bangunan mereka miliki cukup aman dan berbeda dari yang diperkirakan oleh banyak kalangan.

Pendiri dan chairman Broad Construction, Zhang Yue, merupakan tokoh kunci dalam merancang proses pengerjaan bangunan yang dikatakan tahan terhadap gempa.

Dalam pengerjaan konstruksi bangunan, mereka menggunakan adukan semen yang lebih ringan untuk pengerjaan lantai dan penggunaan bahan baja ringan yang berbeda dari bangunan biasa.

Zhang menyatakan, dengan mengurangi berat bahan bangunan, maka semua konstruksi bangunan yang dikembangkannya bisa menahan gempa berkekuatan 9,0 skala richter.

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Jumat, November 23, 2012

Di Matteo Replaced by Rafa Benitez

Di Matteo - Chelsea's Former Manager

Rafa Benitez - Chelsea's New Manager

Roman Abramovich - Chelsea's Owner

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Benitez Takes Over Chelsea Hot Seat

Chelsea moved quickly to replace the sacked Roberto Di Matteo Wednesday as Rafael Benitez was appointed as interim manager until the end of the season. The English Premier League side made the announcement on their official website, just hours after the departure of Di Matteo, who had led them to European Champions League glory for the first time earlier this year.

Former Valencia and Liverpool manager Benitez will be thrown in at the deep end, with Chelsea taking on EPL reigning champions and leaders Manchester City Sunday.

"The owner and the Board believe that in Benitez we have a manager with significant experience at the highest level of football, who can come in and immediately help deliver our objectives," read the club statement.

In Benitez we have a manager with significant experience at the highest level of football, who can come in and immediately help deliver our objectives.

"The 52-year-old Spaniard is due to meet the players at the training ground in Cobham tomorrow (Thursday)," it added.

Benitez, who will be the ninth manager under owner Roman Abramovich, has been out of work since being sacked by Inter Milan in December 2010. He guided Valencia to two Spanish titles and the UEFA Cup and spent six years at Liverpool, highlighted by their Champions League triumph in 2005 and reaching the final in 2007.

Former Barcelona manager Pepe Guardiola has been linked with the Chelsea job, but is currently on a year-long sabbatical after leaving the Catalan giants at the end of last season.

Di Matteo, who also won the FA Cup with Chelsea during his brief spell in charge, paid the price for a poor recent run of results, culminating in a 3-0 defeat to Juventus Tuesday which leaves their participation in the knockout stages of this season's Champions League in considerable doubt.

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