
Rabu, April 10, 2013

Feedzilla Widgets - Information and Technology

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Minggu, April 07, 2013

Informasi CPNS dan PNS Indonesia - Nasional

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Departemen, BUMN, PNS, CPNS, BANK ... - Translate this page
Immer Manalu by Immer Manalu - in 23 Google+ circles
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Departemen, BUMN, CPNS, PNS, BANK, PERTAMINA, PLN 2013, 

Persyaratan Pengangkatan CPNS Menjadi PNS - Translate this page
Syarat calon pegawai negeri sipil dapat diangkat menjadi pegawai negeri sipil adalah: Setiap unsur penilaian prestasi kerja/Daftar Penilaian Pelaksanaan ...

BPK: CPNS Tak Penuhi Syarat Masih Lolos Jadi PNS - - Translate this page
4 days ago – BPK mendapatkan penerimaan pegawai negeri sipil pada 2009 dan 2010 masih banyak kelemahan. CPNS tak penuhi syarat pun masih bisa ...

Januari 2013 Pendaftaran CPNS Umum | Soal CPNS › Berita - Translate this page
Januari 2013 Pendaftarn CPNS Umum – Sobat cpnsid, pada kesempatan kali ini Soal CPNS akan share artikel mengenai kapan akan dibuka pendaftaran ...

Pengumuman CPNS 2013: Cegah Stress Pensiunan PNS di Kaltim ... › Berita CPNS - Translate this page
Mar 29, 2013 – Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur melalui instansi terkait menggelar konseling berupa bimbingan untuk 77 pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) ...

Pengumuman CPNS 2013: Gandeng UNM, PNS Gowa Jadi Guru ... › Berita CPNS - Translate this page
Mar 25, 2013 – Meski jumlah guru di Indonesia cukup banyak, persebaran yang tidak merata membuat banyak daerah di penjuru Nusantara kekurangan guru.

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Informasi Ujian Nasional (UN) - Kemdikbud

Prosedur Operasi Standar (POS) Ujian Nasional 2012/2013 · Permendikbud ... Mendikbud Terima Doktor Honoris Causa dari Naresuan University Thailand ...

Mendikbud: Tidak Ada Bocoran Soal UN 2013 - - Translate this page
4 days ago – Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh meyakini bahwa naskah soal ujian nasional UN 2013 yang memiliki 20 variasi soal ini ...

Mendikbud: Soal UN Bocor Akan Mudah Dilacak - - Translate this page
6 days ago – Mendikbud Mohammad Nuh menegaskan, soal ujian nasional 2013 yang bocor akan mudah dilacak karena soal UN 2013 memiliki "barcode".

Mendikbud akan ikrarkan UN Jujur - - Translate this page
17 hours ago – - Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh akan membacakan ikrar kejujuran mengikuti Ujian Nasional di ...

Ujian Nasional: UN 2013 - Translate this page
Soal UN Tiba di MedanNaskah UN SMA Dibuat Lima PaketTekad Mendikbud : UN Jalan TerusNTT Ikrarkan UN Jujur dan BerprestasiPeserta UN 2012 Depok ...

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Tanya Jawab (FAQ) Seputar Aplikasi Homescreen FACEBOOK

What is Home?
Home is a whole new experience for your phone. It’s software that turns your Android phone into a great, living, social phone.

How can I get Home?
You can download Home for free from the Play Store starting April 12, or purchase a phone with Home pre-installed. The first phone to come with Home is the HTC First, which goes on sale in the U.S. on April 12.

Where is Home available?
Home will initially be available for download in the U.S. on April 12, and will be available in other countries shortly after that.

What Android phones does Home work on?
Home is available on:
HTC First
HTC One (Future)
HTC One X+
Samsung GALAXY S4 (Future)
Samsung GALAXY Note II

How can I buy a phone with Home on it?
AT&T will offer the HTC First for sale on April 12.

Is Facebook building a phone?
No. Facebook Home is a software experience designed to run on Android devices.

Is Facebook home an operating system?
No. Facebook Home is a family of apps. You install them and they become the home of your phone.

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Homescreen FACEBOOK untuk HP Android

Today we're introducing Home - a new way to turn your Android phone into a great, living, social phone.

We all want to share and connect. That's how we discover new information and build meaningful relationships. But today, phones are built around tasks and apps. To see what's happening with your friends, you pull out your phone and navigate through a series of separate apps.

We asked ourselves ­if sharing and connecting are what matter most, what would your phone be like if it put your friends first?

Our answer is Home. Home isn't a phone or operating system, and it's also more than just an app. Home is a completely new experience that lets you see the world through people, not apps.

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Aplikasi Homescreen Terbaru dari FACEBOOK

Just a day after announcing a new Android skin in the form of Facebook Home, the company has issued a FAQ regarding Facebook Home and privacy.

Though many seem excited to see Facebook take baby steps toward a full-fledged operating system, some are also concerned that using Facebook as a portal to your smartphone could become risky given all the information Facebook already collects on us.

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Om Malik expressed serious concerns over Facebook knowing your location at any given time, namely because they’d eventually be able to pin-point the location of your home, place of business, etc. Activist Parker Higgins seemed concerned about the fact that Facebook would be reading text messages as well as Facebook messages.

Combining the two, along with when and how often we launch other apps, could give Facebook an even more powerful position in the app ecosystem and as an advertising platform.

If you find yourself expressing concerns over Facebook’s invasion of Android, here’s the important things you need to know:

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Sabtu, April 06, 2013

Kamis, April 04, 2013

Pentagon Told CNN to Reduce U.S. Rhetoric about North Korea

Recent announcements of American military deployments in response to belligerent statements by North Korea may have contributed to escalating tensions between the countries, Pentagon officials told CNN on Thursday in explaining an effort to reduce U.S. rhetoric about North Korea.

"We accused the North Koreans of amping things up, now we are worried we did the same thing," one Defense Department official said.

The officials spoke on the same day a U.S. official first told CNN that communications intercepts indicated North Korea may be planning to launch a mobile ballistic missile in coming days or weeks.

South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin told a parliamentary committee in Seoul that the North has moved a medium-range missile to its east coast for an imminent test firing or military drill, according to the semi-official South Korean news agency Yonhap.

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The Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Korea Utara

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK; Chosŏn'gŭl: 조선민주주의인민공화국; Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk), commonly called North Korea (About this sound listen), is a country in East Asia, in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. Its capital is Pyongyang, the country's largest city by both land area and population.

The Amnok River and the Tumen River form the international border between North Korea and the People's Republic of China. A small section of the Tumen River also lies along the border between North Korea and the Russian Federation, technically following the river's thalweg. The Korean Demilitarized Zone forms the boundary between North Korea and South Korea. The legitimacy of this border is not accepted by either side, as both states claim to be the legitimate government of the entire country.

The Korean peninsula was governed by the Korean Empire from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, until it was annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1910. After the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II, Japanese rule ceased. The Korean peninsula was divided into two occupied zones in 1945, with the northern half of the peninsula occupied by the Soviet Union and the southern half by the United States.

A United Nations–supervised election held in 1948 led to the creation of separate Korean governments for the two occupation zones: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, and the Republic of Korea in the south. The conflicting claims of sovereignty led to the Korean War in 1950. An armistice in 1953 committed both to a cease-fire, but the two countries remain officially at war because a formal peace treaty was never signed. Both states were accepted into the United Nations in 1991.

North Korea political parties includes Workers' Party of Korea, Korean Social Democratic Party and the Chondoist Chongu Party (also there are some independent deputies). The three political parties participates in the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland led by the Workers' Party of Korea. The government follows the Juche ideology of self-reliance, initiated by the country's first President, Kim Il-sung. After his death, Kim Il-sung was declared the country's Eternal President. Juche became the official state ideology, replacing Marxism–Leninism, when the country adopted a new constitution in 1972. In 2009, references to Communism (Chosŏn'gŭl: 공산주의) were removed from the country's constitution.

Education in North Korea is universal and free of charge (it is one of the most literate countries in the world, with an average literacy rate of 99%). The country has a national medical service and health insurance system which are offered for free. Housing and food rations traditionally have been heavily subsidized. The means of production are owned by the state through state-run enterprises and collectivized farms.

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