Sky City will soon replace the Burj Khalifa as the world's tallest building, as China plans to one-up Dubai's structure in just 90 days, Business Insider reported.
The tower will be 220 stories and 383 feet high — a mere 10 meters higher than the Burj — and boast a capacity of 70,000 to 120,000 people, according to Next Big Future.
Chinese construction company Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) will construct the residential, commercial and retail space in Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan Province, Wired reported.
BSB has plenty of experience with speedy building projects: they have built three-story building in nine days and a 30-story hotel in just 15 days, both in Changsha, according to Business Insider.
More from GlobalPost: Tokyo Skytree, world's tallest tower, opens to public in Japan
The building will include a hotel, school, hospital, offices, shops, and restaurants, which will be accessible via 104 elevators, Forbes reported.
BSB plans to use prefabricated materials built at its' factory over around four months, which will then be assembled in two months on site, according to Business Insider.
For some points of comparison, New York's Empire State Building took 410 days to build from start to finish, and the Burj Khalifa took six years days between construction beginning in 2004 and its opening in January 2010. Sky City is set to open in January 2013.
The structure will cost four billion Yuan, or about $628 million, according to Forbes. Dubai’s Burj Khalifa cost an estimated $1.5 billion.
More from GlobalPost: One World Trade Center: New York's tallest building? (PHOTOS)
However, some are skeptical about the building's integrity.
"So far, Sky City does not look like a winner," wrote Forbes' China correspondent Gordon Chang. "Broad originally planned a 666-meter skyscraper, but the local government wanted the world’s tallest. That’s a dead giveaway politics are distorting the economics of the project."
BSB signed an agreement last week with local district authorities in Changsha, Inhabitat reported, but it is still awaiting approval from the central government.
Chinese construction company Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) will construct the residential, commercial and retail space in Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan Province, Wired reported.
BSB has plenty of experience with speedy building projects: they have built three-story building in nine days and a 30-story hotel in just 15 days, both in Changsha, according to Business Insider.
More from GlobalPost: Tokyo Skytree, world's tallest tower, opens to public in Japan
The building will include a hotel, school, hospital, offices, shops, and restaurants, which will be accessible via 104 elevators, Forbes reported.
BSB plans to use prefabricated materials built at its' factory over around four months, which will then be assembled in two months on site, according to Business Insider.
For some points of comparison, New York's Empire State Building took 410 days to build from start to finish, and the Burj Khalifa took six years days between construction beginning in 2004 and its opening in January 2010. Sky City is set to open in January 2013.
The structure will cost four billion Yuan, or about $628 million, according to Forbes. Dubai’s Burj Khalifa cost an estimated $1.5 billion.
More from GlobalPost: One World Trade Center: New York's tallest building? (PHOTOS)
However, some are skeptical about the building's integrity.
"So far, Sky City does not look like a winner," wrote Forbes' China correspondent Gordon Chang. "Broad originally planned a 666-meter skyscraper, but the local government wanted the world’s tallest. That’s a dead giveaway politics are distorting the economics of the project."
BSB signed an agreement last week with local district authorities in Changsha, Inhabitat reported, but it is still awaiting approval from the central government.
Sky City akan segera menggantikan Burj Khalifa sebagai gedung tertinggi di dunia, seiring dengan rencana Tiongkok untuk menambah struktur Dubai hanya dalam 90 hari, Business Insider melaporkan.
Menara ini akan setinggi 220 lantai dan tinggi 383 kaki – hanya 10 meter lebih tinggi dari Burj – dan memiliki kapasitas 70.000 hingga 120.000 orang, menurut Next Big Future.
Perusahaan konstruksi Tiongkok Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) akan membangun ruang perumahan, komersial dan ritel di Changsha, ibu kota provinsi Provinsi Hunan, Wired melaporkan.
BSB memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam proyek pembangunan cepat: mereka telah membangun gedung tiga lantai dalam sembilan hari dan hotel 30 lantai hanya dalam 15 hari, keduanya di Changsha, menurut Business Insider.
Lebih lanjut dari GlobalPost: Tokyo Skytree, menara tertinggi di dunia, dibuka untuk umum di Jepang
Bangunan tersebut akan mencakup hotel, sekolah, rumah sakit, perkantoran, toko, dan restoran, yang dapat diakses melalui 104 lift, Forbes melaporkan.
BSB berencana menggunakan material prefabrikasi yang dibangun di pabriknya selama sekitar empat bulan, yang kemudian akan dirakit dalam dua bulan di lokasi, menurut Business Insider.
Sebagai perbandingan, pembangunan Empire State Building di New York memakan waktu 410 hari dari awal hingga selesai, dan Burj Khalifa membutuhkan waktu enam tahun hari antara pembangunan yang dimulai pada tahun 2004 dan pembukaannya pada bulan Januari 2010. Sky City akan dibuka pada bulan Januari 2013. .
Strukturnya akan menelan biaya empat miliar Yuan, atau sekitar $628 juta, menurut Forbes. Burj Khalifa di Dubai menelan biaya sekitar $1,5 miliar.
Lebih lanjut dari GlobalPost: One World Trade Center: gedung tertinggi di New York? (FOTO)
Namun, ada pula yang skeptis terhadap integritas bangunan tersebut.
“Sejauh ini, Sky City belum tampak seperti pemenang,” tulis koresponden Forbes di Tiongkok, Gordon Chang. "Broad awalnya berencana membangun gedung pencakar langit setinggi 666 meter, namun pemerintah daerah menginginkan gedung tertinggi di dunia. Ini adalah sebuah kebijakan yang tidak bisa dihindarkan dan mendistorsi keekonomian proyek tersebut."
BSB menandatangani perjanjian minggu lalu dengan pemerintah distrik setempat di Changsha, lapor Inhabitat, namun masih menunggu persetujuan dari pemerintah pusat.
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